H. E. Wintermute, Christopher S. Dieckman, Heather M. Campbell, Nausicaa L. Rose & Hema Thulsidhos
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Written primarily for professionals in library and information science but with applicability to archives and other information management industries, this handbook provides an overview of metadata work that focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). DEI metadata work has several goals: enhancing diverse representation in descriptive metadata; improving discovery of diverse resources; and mitigating negative effects of inaccurate, outdated, or offensive terminology. Readers will gain a broad awareness of DEI-related issues in metadata creation and management; learn techniques for retroactively reviewing and updating existing metadata to address these issues; and develop strategies to create metadata that better meets DEI needs.

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Amanda Ortiz-Pellot & Kelly L. Reddy-Best
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Apparel and Textile Design

In this oral history project, we explore the history and contemporary use of Bomba fashions and their related meanings. We interviewed contemporary Bomba practitioners to understand how they engage in meaning making in this practice rooted in significant cultural traditions. This resource is useful for individuals wanting to expand their knowledge on Puerto Rican history and culture and the connections between folkloric fashions in the past and present in the context of 21st century Puerto Rico.

En este proyecto de historia oral, exploramos la historia y el uso contemporáneo de las modas de Bomba y sus significados relacionados. Entrevistamos a practicantes contemporáneos de Bomba para comprender cómo se involucran en la creación de significado en esta práctica arraigada en importantes tradiciones culturales. Este recurso es útil para personas que desean ampliar su conocimiento sobre la historia y cultura puertorriqueña y las conexiones entre las modas folclóricas del pasado y el presente en el contexto de Puerto Rico en el siglo XXI.

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Aaron Fonseca & Julie Dickerson
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Open Textbooks

Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning. This second edition provides a thorough coverage of the MATLAB concepts needed to complete each exercise, and incorporates hardware descriptions and explanations into the exercises that had integrated new lab equipment.

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Kyrylo Malakhov, Vadislav Kaverinskiy, Liliia Ivanova, Oleksandr Romanyuk, Oksana Romaniuk, Svitlana Voinova, Sergii Kotlyk & Oksana Sokolova
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph summarizes and analyzes the current state of scientific research in the field of interactive artificial intelligence systems, text generation systems, diagnostics of the competitiveness of specialists, in the areas of correct color rendering in image formation, informatization of the work of graduate students, accessible technology for creating three-dimensional 3D models.

The monograph will be useful both to specialists and employees of companies working in the IT field, as well as teachers, masters, students and graduate students of higher educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in issues related to information technology

The monograph was compiled based on the results of the XVI international scientific and practical conference “Information technologies and automation — 2023”, which took place in October 2023 at Odessa National University of Technology

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Zahra Falsafi & Kelly L. Reddy-Best
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Apparel and Textile Design

The Qashqai community stands as one of Iran’s diverse ethnic groups, boasting its own unique language, customs, and heritage. Spread across various regions of Iran, notably the Fars Province in the south, where the Qashqai tribe predominantly resides, a plethora of Iranian local attire emerges, often labeled as traditional garb, regional apparel, or Turkish attire. Crafted predominantly from indigenous fabrics, these garments are a testament to the tribe’s cultural essence, characterized by distinct motifs and tailored to suit the local climate. Despite historical interventions by the government, which at times favored Western fashion trends over traditional attire during the 20th century, the allure of these indigenous clothing styles endures as a cornerstone of the Qashqai tribe’s cultural heritage well into the 21st century. The purpose of this oral history project is to document contemporary Qashqai women and their experiences with traditional dress through the oral history method.

جامعه قشقایی یکی از اقوام متنوع ایران است که زبان، آداب و رسوم و میراث منحصر به فرد خود را به نمایش می‌گذارد. شامل بیش از 250 طایفه مجزا است و هر طایفه  دارای روایت تاریخی غنی و حماسه مهاجرت است. در مناطق مختلف ایران، در جنوب به ویژه استان فارس، جایی که ایل قشقایی عمدتاً در آن سکونت دارند، انبوهی از لباس‌های محلی ایرانی پدیدار می‌شود که اغلب به عنوان لباس سنتی، لباس محلی یا لباس ترکی شناخته می‌شوند. این لباس‌ها به‌طور عمده از پارچه‌های بومی ساخته شده‌اند و شاهکاری از جوهر فرهنگی این قبیله هستند که با نقش‌ها و طرح‌های متمایز مشخص شده‌اند و به‌گونه‌ای طراحی شده‌اند که با اقلیم محلی سازگار باشند. علیرغم مداخلات تاریخی دولت، که در برخی مواقع در طول قرن بیستم، گرایش‌های مد غربی را بر لباس‌های سنتی ترجیح می‌داد، جذابیت این سبک‌های لباس بومی به عنوان سنگ بنای میراث فرهنگی ایل قشقایی تا قرن بیست و یکم باقی ماند. هدف این پروژه مستندسازی زنان معاصر قشقایی و تجربیات آنها از پوشش سنتی به روش تاریخ شفاهی است.

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Thea B. Gessler
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Open Textbooks
This handbook was developed to support the course, Experiences in Biodiversity Research. This course is intended to provide early undergraduates with experience in the practice of biodiversity research and to demystify the path to careers in this field.

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Dawn M. Bowker & Karla S. Kerkove
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Open Textbooks
This workbook was established with nurse educators and nursing students in mind to provide knowledge, guidance, and support for integrating social determinants of health (SDOH) across the nursing education spectrum. Contents from this workbook are applicable to pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs, RN-to-BSN programs, and graduate education.

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Hala Bastawros
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Open Textbooks

This book is designed to provide a deep understanding of the biological and biomedical aspects of human reproduction, covering a both basic reproductive biology and clinical applications.

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This open textbook is intended to expose students to the application of quantitative genetic models to plant breeding populations. Specific topics include conducting and interpreting multi-environment trials, resource allocation using engineering principles, genetic modeling of quantitative traits, simulation modeling, variance, covariance and heritability, prediction, selection, and genetic gain.

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This open textbook covers common statistics used in agriculture research, including experimental design in plant breeding and genetics, as well as the analysis of variance, regression, and correlation.

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Ellen McKinney & Rachel Eike
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Open Textbooks

This instructional text and designer resources have been prepared to support those learning about adaptive apparel design. The text is easy for students, scholars, and designers to use, and is organized around the apparel design process: research, sketching, developing a sample notebook, mood or inspiration board, pattern work, first sample, and the completed ensemble. Users can read from beginning to end or jump into resources related to their current phase of design.

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This open textbook places emphasis on the design of a process pipeline for continuous development of new improved cultivars as a means to implement the cycle of crop improvement. Essential topics in New Line Development and New Line Evaluation are addressed, such as choice of parents, creation of progeny, and evaluation and selection of progeny. Preparations needed for the commercial launch of new improved cultivars are explored, including varietal registration, volume production of quality seed, seed testing, and intellectual property protection. To maximize genetic gain and accelerate release of new products, ways to integrate and optimize effectiveness and efficiency of the process pipeline are analyzed. Students learn to design a process pipeline to produce improved cultivars that meet a specific product target which represents stakeholders’ needs

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Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Clarke Schwabe & Daniel Swilley
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Open Textbooks

This OER presents an integrated suite of learning resources developed for the core music theory and musicianship curriculum at the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. It provides a more comprehensive symbiosis of musicianship and music theory learning than can be found in existing textbooks, including engaging and progressive video demonstrations and interactive listening and vocal exercises that integrate musical knowledge with foundational musical skills. This OER affords the flexibility to shape core musicianship and music theory learning to meet the needs of changing School of Music demographics well into the future, a resource for innovative and inviting music programs accessible to all.

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Nandita Gurjar, Sohyun Meacham & Constance Beecher
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Open Textbooks
Theories, teaching strategies, and instructional materials pertinent to teaching reading and writing in grades PK-3, with an emphasis on integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as integration across content areas while addressing diversity and inclusion.

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Oleksandr Palagin, Mykola Petrenko, Sergii Kryvyi, Mykola Boyko & Kyrylo Malakhov
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph discusses certain aspects of modern real-world problems facing humanity, which are much more challenging than scientific ones. Modern science is unable to solve them in a fundamental way. Vernadsky’s noosphere thesis, in fact, appeals to the scientific worldview that needs to be built in a way that overcomes the interdisciplinary barriers and increases the effectiveness of interdisciplinary interaction and modern science overall. We are talking about the general transdisciplinary knowledge. In world practice, there is still no systematic methodology and a specific form of generally accepted valid scientific theory that would provide transdisciplinary knowledge. Non-linear interdisciplinary interaction is the standard of evolution of modern science. At the same time, a new transdisciplinary theory (domain of scientific research) is being de facto created and the process is repeated many times: from an individual or group of disciplines, through interdisciplinary interaction, in a direction that brings us closer to creating a holistic general scientific worldview.

The text of this book is in Ukrainian.

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This book covers basic principles in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Emphasis is on methods of cultivar development in self-pollinating, cross-pollinating and asexually propagating crops. Relevant examples of crop improvement research in Africa are utilized to cover factors affecting cultivar release, multiplication, and distribution of high-quality seed.

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Michael Allen
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History and Biography
The Mississippi River Valley has played a huge role in the evolution of American history and culture, from the time of the Mississippian mound builders, through European colonialism, the early American republic and Civil War, to the modern-day civil rights movement. In this wide-ranging work, historian Michael Allen examines America's great river valley through the lenses of history, economics, folklore, literature, movies and television, and music—country, blues, gospel, jazz, and rock and roll.

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This lab book is intended for use in both the lab and kitchen. Each section of the book contains learning objectives, lab problems to be solved, recipes, questions, and observation charts for the input of data.

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E.J. Bahng & John M. Hauptman
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This is the second entry in the Humanizing Science through STEM and the Arts (STEAM) interdisciplinary project. For this series, we collaborated with a cohort of future teachers in a science methods class who were majoring in Early Childhood Education. The future teachers authored stories for children inspired by Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, and then read them aloud as part of a giving-back, service-learning activity.

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This book focuses on genomics and plant biotechnology approaches used in plant breeding, the analysis of genomic data, and their application in quality control measures. The application of alternative genomic technologies to enhance conventional breeding strategies is also presented.

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Jeanne Dyches
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Co-created with students in the course EDUC 395: Teaching Disciplinary Literacy and supported by CDL experts, this textbook offers accessible, research-based, multidisciplinary CDL strategies ready for implementation in secondary classrooms.

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Sarah Huffman, Elena Cotos & Kimberly Becker
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Journalism and Communication

This book offers a wealth of instructional material on the topic of research article writing for publication and thesis or dissertation completion. The text provides graduate student writers with helpful information, strategies, and tips on navigating disciplinary writing in their fields and how to understand, dissect, and ultimately, construct their own research article. The text is organized according to a standard research article format, breaking down each section of the empirical research in a simple and straightforward manner to help graduate students build a quality, argument-driven manuscript as they write up their empirical study findings.

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Jacqulyn A. Baughman
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A collection of readings and exercises aligned with the course, ME 270, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, at Iowa State University. This course provides an overview of mechanical engineering design with applications to thermal and mechanical systems, and an introduction to current design practices used in industry. As part of the course design, learners will complete a semester-long team project focused on addressing societal needs.

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Brenna Akason
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A poetic depiction of navigating the challenges and opportunities that come with growing up

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Walter Suza & Kendall Lamkey
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This book provides an introduction to the genetic concepts of reproductive systems, recombination, mutation, segregation and linkage analysis, inbreeding, quantitative inheritance, fertility regulation, population genetics and polyploidy.

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Illya Chaikovsky, Viktor Dykhanovskyi, Kyrylo Malakhov & Michael Bocharov
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph focuses on the challenges of assessing the individual operational readiness of soldiers to perform a military task. The authors proceeded from the fact that the psycho-emotional state of a soldier is one of the decisive factors that affect the success of the military task during the stay in combat conditions. This is confirmed by the combat experience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in joint operations, and especially after the start of a large-scale invasion by Russia.

One of the most effective solutions in providing medical rehabilitation care is patient-centered remote rehabilitation—hybrid e-rehabilitation, which requires: online facilities for telediagnosis, telemetry and intervention based on patient capabilities, advanced Internet interaction, intelligent information technologies and services, effective methods of cognitive support in the “Physical therapist–Patient–Multidisciplinary team” system, statistical processing of large amounts of information, etc. Therefore, along with traditional methods of rehabilitation, a patient-centered Smart system of telemedicine support for hybrid e-rehabilitation activities (as part of the UkrVectōrēs and vHealth services) has been developed.

The text of this monograph is in Ukrainian and English.

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Stephen B. Vardeman & J. Marcus Jobe
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Open Textbooks

In Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis, Stephen B. Vardeman and J. Marcus Jobe stress the use of statistical concepts and methods in engineering practice. Step by step, students get real engineering data, examples, and case studies that illustrate the use and importance of the book's statistical methods in realistic, thoroughly detailed situations. Many of the text's exercises are derived from self-directed engineering student group projects. These features encourage students to work through the text material by carrying out their own data collection and analysis projects, from problem formulation through preparation of professional technical reports—just as if they were on the job.

Additional materials (beyond the text itself) are available in the "Chapters" dropdown menu below, including:

  • individual book chapters
  • chapter formula sheets
  • book datasets in digital form
  • a complete solutions manual for book exercises
  • a PDF supplement providing R language code and output for book examples
  • files holding the R language code illustrated in the document

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Kyrylo Malakhov, Vitalii Velychko, Oleksandr Palagin & Vitalii Prykhodniuk
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Engineering and Technology

The subsystem of support of rehabilitation measures at the level of “therapist – patient” is designed to monitor and assess the condition of patients in the framework of providing them with rehabilitation care. The subsystem is implemented as an ontological workstation, created on the basis of standard components of "Polyhedron" frame-work. The core of the subsystem is the set of ontological configurations. The system includes an ontology of the rehabilitation process, which describes the main steps of this process and the actions to be taken by an expert in the field of rehabilitation when performing these actions.

For professionals in the field of applied intelligent technologies in medicine, specialists in the field of digital health care and rehabilitation in a pandemic, including hybrid e-rehabilitation (also known as telerehabilitation), and psychological rehabilitation.

The text of this book is in Ukrainian.

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Diana Lang
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This book provides an overview of lifespan developmental tasks (physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional) examined from individual and family theoretical perspectives. It covers topics related to families, diversity, individual and family health and well-being, and reciprocal relationships as affected by external factors.

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Austin Bray & Reza Montazami
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This textbook provides an introduction to the MATLAB programming language for first-year mechanical engineering students enrolled in ME 160. Designed to follow the content taught in class, this book provides a supplement to in-class learning that is presented at a level that is understandable to a student with no experience coding before coming to Iowa State University.

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Yongyeon Cho
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Open Textbooks

This book is for the advanced level of both architecture and interior design students who in-depth knowledge and skills of computer-aided visualization software. The author developed a total of twenty-two chapters to teach practical graphic presentation techniques for architectural presentations. Readers will learn these techniques by following step-by-step tutorials. This book is included multiple exercises for the reader's practice. After completing the tutorial with user practice, the readers can apply comprehensive techniques and knowledge to their design projects.

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Amber Anderson
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Open Textbooks

This textbook introduces readers to the basics of soil science, including: the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils; soil formation, classification, and global distribution; soil health, soils and humanity, and sustainable land management.

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Vitalii Velychko, Svitlana Voinova, Valery Granyak, Liliia Ivanova, Sergii Kotlyk, Alona Kudriashova, Tetiana Kunup, Kyrylo Malakhov, Iryna Pikh, Nataliia Punchenko, Vsevolod Senkivskyy, Olexandra Sergeeva, Oksana Sokolova, Sergiy Fedosov, Oleksandr Khoshaba, Olexandra Tsyra, Yuri Chaplinskyy, Olexander Gurskiy, Kostiantyn Zavertailo & Diana Kotlyk
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph summarizes and analyzes the current state of development of computer and mathematical simulation/modeling, the automation of management processes, the use of information technologies in education, the design of information systems and software complexes, the development of computer telecommunication networks and technologies—most areas that are united by the term Industry 4.0.

The monograph will be useful both for experts and employees of companies engaged in the field of IT and automation, as well as for educators, masters, students and postgraduates of higher educational institutions, and everyone interested in issues related to Industry 4.0.

The text of this monograph is in Ukrainian.

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E.J. Bahng, Jamal Johnson, Yekaterina Taykalo & John Hauptman
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This educational resource, 100 visual playing cards, is designed to facilitate an interactive activity, focusing on inclusion, diversity, equity, accountability (IDEA), and belonging. University Instructors or equity advisors at institutions of higher education, who are striving to achieve many variations of excellence that will take root and thrive at their institutions, can choose to use this resource. This educational resource can be used as a conversation starter, as an introduction to various topics such as exploring unconscious biases, various social stereotypes including gender and race, and the roles of schemas in decision making (*NOTE: For optimal reading experience, please download the book to your desktop. From your desktop computer, open the book and click "View" at the top menu, and then set your book as "Two-Pages)."

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E.J. Bahng
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Picture Books

A late winter storm came in May to Ames, Iowa, where Namsu lived. She learns seasonal ways of birds' care and love in an unexpected way.

(*NOTE: For optimal reading experience, please download the book to your desktop. From your desktop computer, open the book and click "View" at the top menu, and then set your book as "Two-Pages)."

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E.J. Bahng
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Picture Books

A young girl, Aari, is adopted by a lady who lost her only child. They together care for each other day by day. Aari stumbles forward from a corner and encounters the magical ways of the world through human love and through her inquisitive adventures with nature.

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Yekaterina Taykalo, Hiruni Kariyawasam & E.J. Bahng
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Picture Books

Spend the day with Kitty and her love for unicorns as she learns to have fun while creating a healthy routine and good habits. She discovers that with a bit of imagination, one can enjoy the little things in life like washing dishes.

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E.J. Bahng
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Picture Books

At the sudden news of the passing of a grandmother during the second-year of the pandemic, the narrator can't be with her grandmother and is hit by unprecedented grief, yet learns to say "Good-Bye."

(*NOTE: For optimal reading experience, please download the book to your desktop. From your desktop computer, open the book and click "View" at the top menu, and then set your book as "Two-Pages)."

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Bruce Curtis
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History and Biography
Bruce Curtis, a professional historian, places the life and times of his centenarian mother, Josephine Teeter Curtis, and of her many relatives and friends, within a broad and richly annotated nineteenth and twentieth century southeastern Iowa framework.

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Walter Suza & Donald Lee
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This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics.

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You will learn how scholarly information is produced, organized, and accessed; how to construct and use effective search strategies in a variety of web tools and scholarly databases; how to choose finding tools appropriate to the type of information you need; critical thinking skills in the evaluation of resources; and best practices in the ethical use of information.

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Kate Gilbert & Ken Prusa
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A practical how-to illustrating the process of developing a new food product from ideation and formulation to processing and lastly commercialization. This book highlights the overall process and gives instructions for each of the steps along the way.

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E.J. Bahng & John M. Hauptman
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In a science methods course during the Covid19 pandemic, 51 future elementary teachers authored children's books and then read them aloud as part of a giving-back, service-learning activity as Open Educational Resources (OER). The 51 children's stories and their accompanying audiobooks aim to integrate STEM and the Arts to humanize science and scientific inquiry with history and philosophy of science in mind.

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Andrew K. Bolstad & Julie A. Dickerson
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Open Textbooks
Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning.

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Rachel Seale
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Iowa State University History

Selected blog posts from Cardinal Tales: the Blog of Special Collections and University Archives at Iowa State University from 2018.

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Jinyoul Ko, Kunhui Kim, Sunmi Kim, Yeon Kyeong Kim-Cho, Jiyoun Yoo, Jiyeong I, Ji Young Choi & Mira Jung
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에임즈한글학교 / Ames Korean School

This book was created by the group of Changing the Gap Parents Book Club, happened in Ames, Iowa in 2020. We first developed the idea of the Korean parents’ book club came by the research findings that parents are the main Heritage culture provider for immigrant children, but the first-generation parents of immigrant youth have difficulty accessing and understanding second-generation children’s experience in or out of USA schools due to language barriers and cultural differences. Particularly, Korean immigrant parents, those from one of the least diverse countries in the world, tend to have a shortage of authentic knowledge and experience of racial, cultural and linguistic diversity. In this book club, the Korean parents read children’s books about diversity and Korean Americans and went forward to create a story that Korean American children can make a good connection with. This book is full of the parents’ efforts to make connections to their children and full of the parents’ hearts to support all Asian American students to grow their true dreams no matter what obstacles they encounter.

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Karri Haen Whitmer
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The Biology 256 Laboratory course was designed to provide students with hands-on access to modern techniques in human physiological analyses using the course-based research pedagogical approach. In this course, students will learn how to perform literature searches; generate research questions and hypotheses; design experiments; collect, analyze, visualize and interpret data; and present scientific findings to others. The Biol 256L curriculum offers a high-impact human physiology experience that fosters the critical thinking skills required to be a successful citizen in a modern world filled with misinformation.

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Peter P. Goché
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This project is an enormous undertaking and an admirable practice model that is feeding Peter Goché’s own critical research and creative practice and that of guest theorists, artists and architects as well as numerous students from Iowa State University. It is a force of its own, developed into what is truly a unique design practice and powerful learning environment.

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Yongyeon Cho
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This book is for the beginning level of both architecture and interior design students who learn computer graphic communication software. The author developed multiple tutorials to teach three computer graphic applications, AutoCAD, Revit, and Enscape. AutoCAD is an essential computer drafting software which is 2D drawing software. Revit is a Building Information Modeling software, which is 3D based modeling software. Lastly, Enscape is a real-time rendering, animation, and virtual reality plug-in for users' 4D experiences.

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Helen DeElda Gunderson
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History and Biography

The Road I Grew Up On is a two-volume anthology self-published by Helen Gunderson, a fourth-generation, septuagenarian Iowan who grew up on a farm in Pocahontas County, Iowa. After earning an undergraduate degree in physical education, a masters degree in instructional technology, and a Master of Divinity, and having a diverse career that took her to other states, Helen relocated to central Iowa, where she eventually established her home on an urban farm in Ames. Her anthology, written from a liberal perspective, consists of regional and neighborhood history, personal memoir, spiritual insights, opinion, and photographs. The project, started in 1989, includes photographs, video footage, recorded interviews, other research and writings by Helen about the neighborhood and culture where she grew up.

Volume 1 consists of material written and gathered between 1989 and 2004, touching on local history, changes in the rural landscape and farm technology, agricultural issues, family dynamics, gender, and death.

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Helen DeElda Gunderson
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History and Biography

The Road I Grew Up On is a two-volume anthology self-published by Helen Gunderson, a fourth-generation, septuagenarian Iowan who grew up on a farm in Pocahontas County, Iowa. After earning an undergraduate degree in physical education and masters degrees in instructional technology and theology and having a diverse career that took her to other states, Helen relocated to central Iowa, where she eventually established her home on an urban farm in Ames. Her anthology, written from a liberal perspective, consists of regional and neighborhood history, personal memoir, spiritual insights, opinion, and photographs. The project, started in 1989, includes photographs, video footage, recorded interviews, other research and writings by Helen about the neighborhood and culture where she grew up.

Volume 2 consists of chapters written in 2019 on local history, death, land stewardship, agricultural issues, state and federal politics, family dynamics, and hospitality, as well as an additional chapter about living in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Ji-Yeong I & Ricardo Martinez
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This book is designed for pre-service/in-service teachers and others who will work or work with K–12 students who have linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, especially students of other languages (English language learners/Emergent bilingual/multilingual).

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Timothy Kochem, Monica Ghosh, Lily Compton & Elena Cotos
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This textbook includes materials on listening, speaking, lexicogrammar, pragmatics, and pronunciation.

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Jinyoul Ko, Kunhui Kim, Daejin Kim, Sunmi Kim, Jiyoun Yoo, Sunmi Lee, Jiyeong I, Myunghee Cho & Michelle Lee
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에임즈한글학교 / Ames Korean School

This book was created by the group of Changing the Gap Parents Book Club, happened in Ames, Iowa in 2020. We first developed the idea of the Korean parents’ book club came by the research findings that parents are the main Heritage culture provider for immigrant children, but the first-generation parents of immigrant youth have difficulty accessing and understanding second-generation children’s experience in or out of USA schools due to language barriers and cultural differences. Particularly, Korean immigrant parents, those from one of the least diverse countries in the world, tend to have a shortage of authentic knowledge and experience of racial, cultural and linguistic diversity. In this book club, the Korean parents read children’s books about diversity and Korean Americans and went forward to create a story that Korean American children can make a good connection with. This book is full of the parents’ efforts to make connections to their children and full of the parents’ hearts to support all Asian American students to grow their true dreams no matter what obstacles they encounter.

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Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Dana Goodin & Eulanda Sanders
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Apparel and Textile Design

Queer Fashion & Style: Stories from the Heartland—An Exhibition Catalog analyzes the recent history of fashion through a queer lens by examining how queer identities are negotiated in everyday styles by women in the Midwest part of the United States from the late twentieth century to the present.

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Kelly L. Reddy-Best
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This textbook addresses how identity influences appearance, fashion, style, and the body.

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Tony R. Kuphaldt & John R. Haughery
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This free electrical engineering/technology textbook provides a series of chapters covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking for an application-centric coverage of this field.

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Diana L. Lang
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Open Textbooks

This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts.  It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.

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Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Dana Goodin & Kyra Streck
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Apparel and Textile Design
In the early part of the 21st century, several LGBTQIA+ focused clothing brands emerged on the market. The purpose of this project is to document the history of each brand using the oral history method. We conducted oral histories with many brands with questions ranging from their own personal histories to how and why they started the brand. We are interested in the lives of the individuals who founded the brands in addition to the entire story of each brand from idea development to today so that way these stories can be a documented as an important part of fashion and retail history. We purposefully make these oral history transcripts available to the community in order to move research beyond the walls of the academy and make knowledge accessible to everyone.

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Dyese Matthews & Kelly L. Reddy-Best
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Apparel and Textile Design
From February 3 to April 17, 2020, Collegiate Fashion & Activism: Black Women’s Styles on the College Campus was mounted in Iowa State University’s Textiles and Clothing Museum. In this catalog, we document the entirety of the exhibition and the associated programming.

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Evrim Baran
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Online Learning Toolbox is a collection of seminal readings with commentary on different topics of online learning.

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The purpose of Library 160 is to introduce students to the use of academic research libraries, available library services, and online information resources, with an emphasis on information literacy and the research process. In this course, you will learn how scholarly information is produced, organized, and accessed; how to construct and use effective search strategies in a variety of web tools and scholarly databases; how to choose finding tools appropriate to the type of information you need; critical thinking skills in the evaluation of resources; and best practices in the ethical use of information.

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Abbey Elder
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This starter kit has been created to provide instructors with an introduction to the use and creation of open educational resources (OER). The text is broken into five sections: Getting Started, Copyright, Finding OER, Teaching with OER, and Creating OER. Although some chapters contain more advanced content, the starter kit is primarily intended for users who are entirely new to Open Education.

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Rodger G. Main, Pamela Kay Zaabel, Kelly Leedom-Larson & Jeffrey J. Zimmerman
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A study was commissioned in 2018 with the aim of seeking a more in-depth understanding of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and assessing the potential for an NPIP like program to support the US pork industry (i.e., US Swine Health Improvement Plan).

Findings suggest the basic tenets and approach used by the NPIP could serve as a road map for pork producers and packers (slaughter facilities) interested in more directly and systematically addressing the major swine health issues of high consequence and better positioning the future of the US pork industry in the domestic and global marketplace.

In addition to downloading the report, you can:

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Mark P. Widrlechner
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This collection is Mark Widrlechner’s fourth major compilation of poems and images, with verses from ten of his eleven Sun Series chapbooks created between January 2016 and January 2018, along with recent photos contemplating the intricacies of pine bark. As noted in his introduction, that series began when his life was filled with joyous love and a wonderful new home in New Mexico. At that point, his relationship with the Wolf Spirit was strong. A darker tone became increasingly clear in the poems that emerged as the seasons turned and relationships changed, to the degree that, after Sun Series #11, the following chapbook: “Is This the Stuff of the Fourth Dream?” initiated the poet’s new Moon Series. He also finally realized that the Wolf Spirit was no longer a major presence in his life, a shift that had likely been underway for quite some time. That recognition inspired the book’s namesake poem (found in Sun Series #11).

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Peter L. Moore
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Open Textbooks

This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.

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Nancy L. Pelzer & William Wiese
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Written in 2006 by Iowa State University librarians Nancy L. Pelzer and William H. Wiese, Veterinary Medical Libraries in the 21st Century provides an in-depth introduction to managing an academic veterinary medical library at the turn of the 21st century, with overviews of selected libraries; discussions of collection development, technical services, and reference services; and a comprehensive list of resources on academic veterinary medical libraries.

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Larysa Nadolny
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This resource will introduce you to the laws and best practices that support digital learning and digital teaching in the 21st century. You will become familiar with the basic foundations of copyright and fair use while exploring case studies in education.

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Jerry L. Sell
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Iowa State University History

Jerry L. Sell. A History of Poultry Husbandry/Science at Iowa State University, 1907–2000. Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 2001.

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H. E. Wilkinson & John Huseby
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History and Biography

H. E. Wilkinson. Memories of an Iowa Farm Boy. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1994.

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Donald E. Boles
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The Bible, religion, and the public schools [by] Donald E. Boles. Iowa State University Press, 1965.

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Ercel Eppright, Mattie Pattinson & Helen Barbour
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Food Science and Human Nutrition

Ercel Eppright, Mattie Pattinson, Helen Barbour. Teaching Nutrition. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Earl O. Heady & Luther G. Tweeten
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
Earl O. Heady, Luther G. Tweeten. Resource Demand and Structure of the Agricultural Industry. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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J. F. Smithcors, George C. Christensen & Everett B. Miller
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

J. F. Smithcors. The American Veterinary Profession. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Julian A. Steyermark
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Julian A. Steyermark. Flora of Missouri. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Paul L. Errington
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A contribution of the Iowa Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Ames, Iowa: Fish and Wildlife Service (United States Department of the Interior), Iowa State University, Iowa State Conservation Commission, and Wildlife Management Institute, cooperating

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Earl O. Heady & Luther G. Tweeten
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Earl O. Heady, Luther G. Tweeten. Resource Demand and Structure of the Agricultural Industry. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Earl O. Heady, Don F. Hadwiger, Edwin O. Haroldson, Lee Burchinal, Shirley E. Greene, George H. Speltz, Willard W. Cochrane, W. E. Hamilton, Gilbert Rohde, Herschel D. Newsom, Robert J. Lampman, Oren Lee Staley, Henry A. McCanna, Edward W. O'Rourke, J. B. Claar, Tyler Thomas, Kenneth E. Boulding, Robin M. Williams, Andrew Hacker & E. W. Hofstee
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Proceedings of the second Conference on Goals and Values in Agricultural Policy (Iowa State University, Ames, IA, February 1963).

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Geoffrey S. Shepherd
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Agricultural Price Analysis. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Martin L. Mosher & Henry A. Wallace
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

 Martin L. Mosher. Early Iowa Corn Yield Tests and Related Later Programs. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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Beth Bailey McLean & Jeanne Paris
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Beth Bailey McLean. The Young Woman In Business. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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Velma Wallace-Rayness
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Velma Wallace-Rayness. Campus Sketches of Iowa State University. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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Earl O. Heady
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Earl O. Heady. Agricultural Policy Under Economic Development. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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Donald R. Murphy
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Donald R. Murphy. What Farmers Read and Like. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press 1962.

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George M. Beal, Joe M. Bohlen & J. Neil Raudabaugh
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George M. Beal, Joe M. Bohlen, J. Neil Raudabaugh. Leadership and Dynamic Group Action. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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Genevieve Callahan & Lou Richardson
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Journalism and Communication

Lou Richardson, Genevieve Callahan. The New How to Write for Homemakers. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962

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John Madson
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John Madson. Stories From Under the Sky. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1961.

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Earl O. Heady, Lee G. Burchinal, Nelson N. Foote, Harry V. Jaffa, Don Martindale, Jesse W. Markham, John M. Brewster, Olaf F. Larson, Dale E. Hathaway, Donald R. Kaldor, Howard H. Hines, Ross B. Talbot, C. E. Bishop, K. L. Bachman, Lyle W. Shannon, Lauren Soth, Boris C. Swerling, John A. Schnittker & George L. Mehren
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment. Goals and Values in Agricultural Policy. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1961.

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Earl O. Heady, C. B. Baker, Howard G. Diesslin, Earl Kehrberg, Sydney Staniforth, Marc Nerlove, Elmer W. Learn, Willard W. Cochrane, Dale A. Knight, Richard H. Day, Vincent I. West, Dean E. McKee, Laurel D. Loftsgard, Glenn L. Johnson, H. R. Jensen, L. M. Day, Earl E. Houseman, Alvin C. Egbert, James T. Bonnen, Earl R. Swanson & Frederick V Waugh
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A compilation of essays on the problems, research techniques and results of investigations dealing with agricultural supply functions in agricultural production.

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Earl O. Heady, James W. Knowles, Nathan M. Koffsky, Marion Clawson, W. D. Shrader, F. F. Riecken, Andrew R. Aandahl, R. W. Pearson, L. B. Nelson, D. B. Ibach, Frederick S. Hopkins, Alvin C. Egbert, Lloyd C. Dumenil, J. Carroll Bottum, R. G. Bressler, R. Burnell Held, John A. Schnittker, Philip M. Raup, Elmer Learn, Walter E. Chryst, John F. Timmons, Donald E. Boles, Ross B. Talbot, Howard W. Ottoson, G. S. Tolley, Donald R. Kaldor & W. Robert Parks
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Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment. Dynamics of Land Use: Needed Adjustment. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1961.

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E. L. Baum, Howard G. Diesslin, Earl O. Heady, Kenneth L. Bachman, Glenn L. Johnson, Leland G. Allbaugh, Joseph Ackerman, R. G. F. Spitze, George K. Brinegar, Lee R. Martin, Dale E. Hathaway, William H. Scofield, Glen T. Barton, Lawrence A. Jones, Ronald L. Mighell, Philip M. Raup, John C. Redman, William C. Murray, Ernest T. Baughman, John M. Wetmore, William E. Hendrix, Ben T. Lanham, Jr., Russell C. Engberg, John A. Hopkin, R. B. Tootell, Charles N. Shepardson, G. L. Johnson, Lewis K. Zerby, Joe M. Bohlen, George M. Beal, Arthur J. Coutu, Quentin W. Lindsey, Arthur B. Mackie, Roger C. Woodworth, J. W. Fanning, W. B. Back, Verner G. Hurt, C. B. Baker, George D. Irwin, J. H. Yeager & George S. Tolley
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
The symposium and the contents of this book are directed toward agricultural workers who are conducting research and educational activities in the land-grant colleges, public agencies, and credit agencies. The ideas have been developed in five closely related subject matter categories: (1) capital and credit in economic growth, (2) changing capital structure in agriculture, (3) credit market and institutions, (4) values and education in relation to capital use and productivity, and (5) selected research for improving use and productivity of capital and credit. They are presented in the interest of stimulating further research and educational activities on agricultural capital and credit problems as they are related to agricultural development.

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Ruth M. Leverton
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Food Science and Human Nutrition

Ruth M. Leverton. Food Becomes You. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1960.

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Duane Isely
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Duane Isely. Weed Identification and Control. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1960.

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Ellis A. Hicks
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Ellis A. Hicks. Check-List and Bibliography on the Occurrence of Insects in Birds' Nests. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1959.

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Mervin G. Smith, Carlton F. Christian, Karl Brandt, Earl O. Heady, Karl A. Fox, James T. Bonnen, Sherman E. Johnson, Elmer R. Kiehl, John M. Brewster, Gene Wunderlich, Kenneth E. Ogren, Orlin J. Scoville, Elmer R. Kiehl, Calvin L. Beale, Karl G. Shoemaker, Olaf F. Larson, E. A. Lutz, George E. Brandow, H. Brooks James & Joseph Ackerman
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Mervin G. Smith et al. Adjustments in Agriculture. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1959.

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Jacob Peter Anderson
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Throughout most of his adult life, Jacob Peter Anderson devoted his major energies to the study of the Alaskan flora. His ultimate objective was to provide a usable Flora of Alaska, The Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories west of Hudson's Bay. During the years 1942–53, while he was resident at Iowa State, he published nine fascicles of a preliminary version of this Flora, covering only Alaska, the Yukon Basin, and northwestern British Columbia. At the time of his death, Dr. Anderson was working on a revision of his Flora, to include the territory between Alaska and Hudson's Bay.

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Earle Dudley Ross
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Iowa State University History

Earle Dudley Ross. The Land-Grant Idea at Iowa State College. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1958.

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Earl O. Heady, Joseph Ackerman, Howard G. Diesslin, Harald R. Jensen, Glenn L. Johnson, Lynn S. Robertson, Sherman E. Johnson, Glen T. Barton, Norman R. Collins, George L. Mehren, Willard W. Cochrane, James T. Bonnen, William A. Cromarty, Cecil B. Haver, D. Gale Johnson, C. E. Bishop, Vernon W. Ruttan, Ernest J. Nesius, G. E. Brandow, C. B. Baker, W. Robert Parks, Kenneth H. Parsons & Harold G. Halcrow
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

This book includes the papers presented at a conference on"Adjusting Commercial Agriculture to Economic Growth," sponsored by the North Central Farm Management Research Committee in cooperation with the Farm Foundation. This conference, held March 18-19, 1957, was designed to cover the major aspects of the current farm problem, and to bring together outstanding agricultural economists in the various fields discussed.

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Frank W. Rucker
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Journalism and Communication

Frank W. Rucker. Newspaper Circulation. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1958.

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John E. Sass
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Permanent slides for microscopic study are indispensable in the teaching of a basic course in botany and also in specialized advanced courses. In some advanced courses, the students prepare many of the slides used in the course, but in elementary courses the slides are furnished. In the latter case, the slides either are purchased from commercial sources or made in the departmental laboratory.

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Iowa State College, Herschel C. Loveless, Harry H. Hagemann, James L. Morrill, Virgil M. Hancher, James H. Hilton, William G. Pollard, Shields Warren, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Theodore V. Houser, Philip V. Cardon & George W. Beadle
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Iowa State University History

Iowa State College Press. Commemorative Papers From the Iowa State College Centennial. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1958.

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Mattie Pattinson, Helen Barbour & Ercel Eppright
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Food Science and Human Nutrition

Mattie Pattinson, Helen Barbour, and Ercel Eppright. Teaching Nutrition. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1957.

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E. L. Baum, Earl O. Heady, John Blackmore, Glenn L. Johnson, R. L. Anderson, Clifford G. Hildreth, David D. Mason, John T. Pesek, W. L. Parks, Earl W. Kehrberg, D. B. Ibach, William G. Brown, Roger C. Woodworth, Earl R. Swanson & T. P. Hignett
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
The objective of this book is to present the most recent information and techniques bearing upon some of the important questions involved in studies of the economics of fertilizer use, thus facilitating the development of needed research.

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C. J. Medlin
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Journalism and Communication
C. J. Medlin. School Yearbook Editing and Management. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press. 1956.

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O. J. Eigsti & Pierre Dustin, Jr.
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

O. J. Eigsti, Pierre Dustin Jr. Colchicine in Agriculture, Medicine, Biology and Chemistry. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1955.

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Edward A. Benbrook & Margaret W. Sloss
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Edward A. Benbrook. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1955. 

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Ruth Overman & Lula Smith
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Apparel and Textile Design

Ruth Overman, Lula Smith. Contemporary Handweaving. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1955.

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Frederick V. Waugh, L. A. Bevan, John D. Black, M. E. Brunk, Sidney Hoos, Joseph G. Knapp, William H. Nicholls, Gustav F. Papanek, Harold B. Rowe, Geoffrey S. Shepherd, Herman M. Southworth & Frank J. Welch
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

The American Farm Economic Association has carefully assembled this book of readings on agricultural marketing, with the hope that the present book will be useful to graduate students, researchers, administrators, and economists in the dis- tributive trades. Such persons are finding it increasingly difficult to keep in touch with the numerous books, reports, and scientific papers dealing with agricultural marketing. The readings in this book were selected to cover a wide range of subject matter, to give different points of view on some controversial matters, and to illustrate new and promising techniques of economic research. In like fashion, the Association earlier had sponsored (1949) Readings on Agricultural Policy, edited by Professor 0. B. Jesness.

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Jay N. Darling
Journalism and Communication

As Ding saw Hoover / by Jay N. Darling ; as edited by John M. Henry ; with an introduction by W.W. Waymack. Iowa State College Press, 1954.

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M. Lois Calhoun
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

M. Lois Calhoun. Microscopic Anatomy of the Digestive System of the Chicken. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1954.

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H. I. Featherly
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
H. I. Featherly. Taxonomic Terminology of the Higher Plants. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1954.

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Beth Bailey McLean
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Beth Bailey McLean. The Young Woman in Business. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1953.

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Miriam E. Lowenberg, Laura Weyrick Hoeft, Mildred Mouw & Dolores Nyhus
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Food Science and Human Nutrition

Miriam E. Lowenberg, et al. Score Your Diet. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1953

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Ralph Sandlin Yohe
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Ralph Sandlin Yohe. What Our Farmers Can Learn From Other Lands. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1953.

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Lowell O. Stewart
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Lowell O. Stewart. Careers in Engineering. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1956.

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Olin Hinkle & John Henry
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Journalism and Communication

Olin Hinkle, John Henry, Harry E. Walsh. How to Write Columns. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1952.

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Hugh Orchard
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Hugh Orchard. Old Orchard Farm. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1952.

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Frank L. McVey & Raymond M. Hughes
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Frank L. McVey and Raymond H. Hughes. Problems of College and University Administration. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1952.

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John W. Gowen, Conway Zirkle, George Harrison Shull, H. K. Hayes, M. M. Rhoades, R. A. Brink, W. Gordon Whaley, William J. Robbins, Edgar Anderson, William L. Brown, Adriano A. Buzzati-Traverso, Harold H. Smith, Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Sterling Emerson, Th. Dobzhansky, Donald F. Jones, M. R. Irwin, Carl C. Lindegren, H. H. Plough, James F. Crow, Leroy Powers, A. J. Mangelsdorf, Gordon E. Dickerson, C. R. Henderson, L. M. Winters, E. L. Pinnell, E. H. Rinke, Sherret S. Chase, G. F. Sprague, E. J. Wellhausen, Fred H. Hull, R. E. Comstock & H. F. Robinson
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

John W. Gowen. Heterosis. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1952.

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Dick Spencer
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Journalism and Communication

Dick Spencer III. Pulitzer Prize Cartoons. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1951.

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Åke Gullander & Frank Robotka
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

This book by Åke Gullander discusses primarily developments in co-operation among farmers. Readers of this volume should benefit from the insight which it gives into Swedish culture, traditions and circumstances, and the adaptations the Swedes have made to their environment.

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Carl C. Malone
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Carl C. Malone. How to Make Your Farm Pay. Ames, IA: Iowa State College, 1950.

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John F. Timmons, William G. Murray, Rainer Schickele, Warren S. Thompson, Charles E. Kellogg, Carleton P. Barnes, Sherman E. Johnson, H. H. Bennett, R. R. Renne, Marion Clawson, J. D. B. Harrison, Ernest S. Griffith, Ira N. Gabrielson, Joseph Ackerman, Raymond J. Penn, V. Webster Johnson & O. B. Jesness
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

John F. Timmons and William G. Murray. Land Problems and Policies. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1950.

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Harry Heath
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Journalism and Communication

Harry Heath. A Guide to Newspaper Page Makeup. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1950.

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Nelson Klose
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Nelson Klose. America's Crop Heritage. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1950.

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Frances Andrews Vernon
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Journalism and Communication

Frances Andrews Vernon. Editor's Handbook. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1949.

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Jack Spearing
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Jack Spearing. Fitting and Showing Dairy Cattle. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1948.

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Clarence Andresen Hubbard
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Clarence Andresen Hubbard. Fleas of Western North America. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947.

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Richard J. Preston
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Richard J. Preston. Rocky Mountain Trees. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947.

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Geoffrey S. Shepherd
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Agricultural Price Analysis. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947

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Earle D. Ross, W. G. Murray, J. B. Peterson, A. J. Englehorn, G. F. Sprague, J. C. Cunningham, H. D. Hughes, Maurice E. Heath, J. C. Gilman, Mildred Hemmingsen, Carl J. Drake, A. L. Bakke, R. H. Porter, E. P. Sylwester, W. A. Craft, Arthur L. Anderson, P. S. Shearer, C. Y. Cannon, W. F. La Grange, A. B. Caine, George F. Stewart, Charles Murray, B. S. Pickett, A. T. Erwin, E. S. Haber, H. L. Lantz, H. E. Nichols, E. C. Volz, Gilmour B. Macdonald, F. B. Paddock, M. Mortensen, Sam H. Thompson, J. B. Davidson, Henry Giese, K. R. Marvin, Elizabeth E. Hoyt, M. L. Cushman, Louis Bernard Schmidt & John Hopkins
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State and the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Members of the Staff. A Century of Farming in Iowa. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1946.

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Raymond H. Hughes
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Raymond M. Hughes. A Manual for Trustees of Colleges and Universities. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1943.

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Frederick William Beckman & Harry R. O'Brien
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Journalism and Communication

Technical journalism, by F. W. Beckman and Harry R. O'Brien (A revision of Technical journalism, by Beckman, O'Brien, and Blair Converse). Iowa State College Press, 1942.

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Arthur C. Bunce
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Arthur C. Bunce. The economics of soil conservation. Iowa State College Press, 1942.

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Earle D. Ross
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Iowa State University History

Earle D. Ross. A History of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1942.

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Richard J. Preston
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Richard J. Preston. Rocky Mountain Trees. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1940.

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Irving Fox
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Irving Fox. Fleas of Eastern United States. Ames. IA: Iowa State College Press, 1940.

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Elizabeth Tiernan
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Iowa State University History

Elizabeth Tiernan. Iowa State College Graduates.  Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1939.

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R. E. Buchanan, Henry Gilman, M. Mortensen, E. G. Hastings, H. C. Horneman, H. Macy, W. A. Cordes, A. H. White, E. H. Parfitt, H. C. Olson, R. V. Hussong, G. H. Wilster, Chris Jensen, F. H. Herzer, N. E. Fabricius, C. B. Lane, N. S. Golding, H. W. Bryant, Henry C. Hansen, E. F. Goss, H. A. Bendixen, G. Malcolm Trout, J. B. Stine, D. R. Theophilus, T. J. Claydon, A. C. Fay, W. B. Sarles, M. W. Yale, H. F. Long, Harry H. Weiser, Michael B. Michaelian & F. Eugene Nelson
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Iowa State College wishes to felicitate Dr. Hammer upon the completion of 25 years of service and to insist that what he has thus far accomplished may be but the merest fraction of what he will still be able to accomplish.

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Barton Morgan
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Iowa State University History

Barton Morgan. A History of the Extension Service of Iowa State College. Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1934.

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Harlow B. Mills
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Harlow B. Mills. A Monograph of the Collembola of Iowa. Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1934.

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A. G. Black, R. C. Bentley, John A. Hopkins, William G. Murray, Theodore W. Schultz, Geoffrey Shepherd & Wallace Wright
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Economic Staff at Iowa State College. The Agricultural Emergency in Iowa. Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1933.

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C. H. Stange
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Iowa State University History
A history of the early years of Iowa State University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1929.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1929.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

 Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1929.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1928.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1928.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1928.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1927.

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Louis H. Pammel
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History and Biography

Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1928.

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Margaret H. Haggart
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Food Science and Human Nutrition

Margaret H. Haggart. Foods and Cookery. Ames, IA: The Collegiate Press, Inc, 1926.

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Louis H. Pammel
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Louis H. Pammel. Prominent Men I Have Met. Ames, IA: Louis H. Pammel, 1926.

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