New Information Technologies, Simulation and Automation

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Vitalii Velychko, Svitlana Voinova, Valery Granyak, Liliia Ivanova, Sergii Kotlyk, Alona Kudriashova, Tetiana Kunup, Kyrylo Malakhov, Iryna Pikh, Nataliia Punchenko, Vsevolod Senkivskyy, Olexandra Sergeeva, Oksana Sokolova, Sergiy Fedosov, Oleksandr Khoshaba, Olexandra Tsyra, Yuri Chaplinskyy, Olexander Gurskiy, Kostiantyn Zavertailo & Diana Kotlyk
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph summarizes and analyzes the current state of development of computer and mathematical simulation/modeling, the automation of management processes, the use of information technologies in education, the design of information systems and software complexes, the development of computer telecommunication networks and technologies—most areas that are united by the term Industry 4.0.

The monograph will be useful both for experts and employees of companies engaged in the field of IT and automation, as well as for educators, masters, students and postgraduates of higher educational institutions, and everyone interested in issues related to Industry 4.0.

The text of this monograph is in Ukrainian.

  • Details
    Published Published By Pages ISBN DOI
    July 15, 2022 Iowa State University Digital Press 729 978-1-958291-01-6 10.31274/isudp.2022.121
    License Information
    © 2022 Velychko V., Voinova S., Granyak V., et al
    Vitalii Velychko et al. 2022. New Information Technologies, Simulation and Automation

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