Conference Publishing
Services Offered
Our conference proceedings publishing services are ideal for conference organizers seeking a solution to manage proceedings publishing from initial submission through production.
The Iowa State University Digital Press offers the following conference proceedings publishing services:
- Ability to embed presentation videos
- DOI registration
- Training and technical support
- Digitization and upload of past proceedings
- Readership statistics for authors and conference organizers
Our conference proceedings hosting services are ideal for conference organizers who are satisfied with their paper submission, refereeing, and production processes, but are seeking a solution for the online distribution of their proceedings.
The Iowa State University Digital Press offers the following conference proceedings hosting services:
- Upload of current and new conference papers, slides, and/or posters
- Ability to embed presentation videos
- DOI registration
- Digitization and upload of past proceedings
- Readership statistics for authors and conference organizers
Ready to get started?
- Review our services and policies to determine whether the Iowa State University Digital Press will meet your needs.
- Set up a consultation with the Scholarly Publishing Services Librarian if you'd like to learn more about our services or would like assistance completing the Conference Information Form.
If the proposed conference publication is determined to be within the Iowa State University Digital Press's scope, the Scholarly Publishing Services Librarian will arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal, assist with the design and launch of the conference site, and set up training sessions.