Category: Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

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Rodger G. Main, Pamela Kay Zaabel, Kelly Leedom-Larson & Jeffrey J. Zimmerman
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A study was commissioned in 2018 with the aim of seeking a more in-depth understanding of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and assessing the potential for an NPIP like program to support the US pork industry (i.e., US Swine Health Improvement Plan).

Findings suggest the basic tenets and approach used by the NPIP could serve as a road map for pork producers and packers (slaughter facilities) interested in more directly and systematically addressing the major swine health issues of high consequence and better positioning the future of the US pork industry in the domestic and global marketplace.

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Earl O. Heady, Don F. Hadwiger, Edwin O. Haroldson, Lee Burchinal, Shirley E. Greene, George H. Speltz, Willard W. Cochrane, W. E. Hamilton, Gilbert Rohde, Herschel D. Newsom, Robert J. Lampman, Oren Lee Staley, Henry A. McCanna, Edward W. O'Rourke, J. B. Claar, Tyler Thomas, Kenneth E. Boulding, Robin M. Williams, Andrew Hacker & E. W. Hofstee
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Proceedings of the second Conference on Goals and Values in Agricultural Policy (Iowa State University, Ames, IA, February 1963).

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J. F. Smithcors, George C. Christensen & Everett B. Miller
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

J. F. Smithcors. The American Veterinary Profession. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Geoffrey S. Shepherd
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Agricultural Price Analysis. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Paul L. Errington
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A contribution of the Iowa Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Ames, Iowa: Fish and Wildlife Service (United States Department of the Interior), Iowa State University, Iowa State Conservation Commission, and Wildlife Management Institute, cooperating

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Earl O. Heady & Luther G. Tweeten
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
Earl O. Heady, Luther G. Tweeten. Resource Demand and Structure of the Agricultural Industry. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Julian A. Steyermark
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Julian A. Steyermark. Flora of Missouri. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1963.

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Donald R. Murphy
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Donald R. Murphy. What Farmers Read and Like. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press 1962.

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Martin L. Mosher & Henry A. Wallace
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

 Martin L. Mosher. Early Iowa Corn Yield Tests and Related Later Programs. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1962.

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E. L. Baum, Howard G. Diesslin, Earl O. Heady, Kenneth L. Bachman, Glenn L. Johnson, Leland G. Allbaugh, Joseph Ackerman, R. G. F. Spitze, George K. Brinegar, Lee R. Martin, Dale E. Hathaway, William H. Scofield, Glen T. Barton, Lawrence A. Jones, Ronald L. Mighell, Philip M. Raup, John C. Redman, William C. Murray, Ernest T. Baughman, John M. Wetmore, William E. Hendrix, Ben T. Lanham, Jr., Russell C. Engberg, John A. Hopkin, R. B. Tootell, Charles N. Shepardson, G. L. Johnson, Lewis K. Zerby, Joe M. Bohlen, George M. Beal, Arthur J. Coutu, Quentin W. Lindsey, Arthur B. Mackie, Roger C. Woodworth, J. W. Fanning, W. B. Back, Verner G. Hurt, C. B. Baker, George D. Irwin, J. H. Yeager & George S. Tolley
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
The symposium and the contents of this book are directed toward agricultural workers who are conducting research and educational activities in the land-grant colleges, public agencies, and credit agencies. The ideas have been developed in five closely related subject matter categories: (1) capital and credit in economic growth, (2) changing capital structure in agriculture, (3) credit market and institutions, (4) values and education in relation to capital use and productivity, and (5) selected research for improving use and productivity of capital and credit. They are presented in the interest of stimulating further research and educational activities on agricultural capital and credit problems as they are related to agricultural development.

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Earl O. Heady, Lee G. Burchinal, Nelson N. Foote, Harry V. Jaffa, Don Martindale, Jesse W. Markham, John M. Brewster, Olaf F. Larson, Dale E. Hathaway, Donald R. Kaldor, Howard H. Hines, Ross B. Talbot, C. E. Bishop, K. L. Bachman, Lyle W. Shannon, Lauren Soth, Boris C. Swerling, John A. Schnittker & George L. Mehren
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Adjustment. Goals and Values in Agricultural Policy. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1961.

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Earl O. Heady, C. B. Baker, Howard G. Diesslin, Earl Kehrberg, Sydney Staniforth, Marc Nerlove, Elmer W. Learn, Willard W. Cochrane, Dale A. Knight, Richard H. Day, Vincent I. West, Dean E. McKee, Laurel D. Loftsgard, Glenn L. Johnson, H. R. Jensen, L. M. Day, Earl E. Houseman, Alvin C. Egbert, James T. Bonnen, Earl R. Swanson & Frederick V Waugh
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

A compilation of essays on the problems, research techniques and results of investigations dealing with agricultural supply functions in agricultural production.

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Duane Isely
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Duane Isely. Weed Identification and Control. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1960.

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Mervin G. Smith, Carlton F. Christian, Karl Brandt, Earl O. Heady, Karl A. Fox, James T. Bonnen, Sherman E. Johnson, Elmer R. Kiehl, John M. Brewster, Gene Wunderlich, Kenneth E. Ogren, Orlin J. Scoville, Elmer R. Kiehl, Calvin L. Beale, Karl G. Shoemaker, Olaf F. Larson, E. A. Lutz, George E. Brandow, H. Brooks James & Joseph Ackerman
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Mervin G. Smith et al. Adjustments in Agriculture. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1959.

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Ellis A. Hicks
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Ellis A. Hicks. Check-List and Bibliography on the Occurrence of Insects in Birds' Nests. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1959.

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Jacob Peter Anderson
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Throughout most of his adult life, Jacob Peter Anderson devoted his major energies to the study of the Alaskan flora. His ultimate objective was to provide a usable Flora of Alaska, The Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories west of Hudson's Bay. During the years 1942–53, while he was resident at Iowa State, he published nine fascicles of a preliminary version of this Flora, covering only Alaska, the Yukon Basin, and northwestern British Columbia. At the time of his death, Dr. Anderson was working on a revision of his Flora, to include the territory between Alaska and Hudson's Bay.

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Earl O. Heady, Joseph Ackerman, Howard G. Diesslin, Harald R. Jensen, Glenn L. Johnson, Lynn S. Robertson, Sherman E. Johnson, Glen T. Barton, Norman R. Collins, George L. Mehren, Willard W. Cochrane, James T. Bonnen, William A. Cromarty, Cecil B. Haver, D. Gale Johnson, C. E. Bishop, Vernon W. Ruttan, Ernest J. Nesius, G. E. Brandow, C. B. Baker, W. Robert Parks, Kenneth H. Parsons & Harold G. Halcrow
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

This book includes the papers presented at a conference on"Adjusting Commercial Agriculture to Economic Growth," sponsored by the North Central Farm Management Research Committee in cooperation with the Farm Foundation. This conference, held March 18-19, 1957, was designed to cover the major aspects of the current farm problem, and to bring together outstanding agricultural economists in the various fields discussed.

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John E. Sass
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Permanent slides for microscopic study are indispensable in the teaching of a basic course in botany and also in specialized advanced courses. In some advanced courses, the students prepare many of the slides used in the course, but in elementary courses the slides are furnished. In the latter case, the slides either are purchased from commercial sources or made in the departmental laboratory.

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E. L. Baum, Earl O. Heady, John Blackmore, Glenn L. Johnson, R. L. Anderson, Clifford G. Hildreth, David D. Mason, John T. Pesek, W. L. Parks, Earl W. Kehrberg, D. B. Ibach, William G. Brown, Roger C. Woodworth, Earl R. Swanson & T. P. Hignett
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
The objective of this book is to present the most recent information and techniques bearing upon some of the important questions involved in studies of the economics of fertilizer use, thus facilitating the development of needed research.

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Edward A. Benbrook & Margaret W. Sloss
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Edward A. Benbrook. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1955. 

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O. J. Eigsti & Pierre Dustin, Jr.
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O. J. Eigsti, Pierre Dustin Jr. Colchicine in Agriculture, Medicine, Biology and Chemistry. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1955.

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Frederick V. Waugh, L. A. Bevan, John D. Black, M. E. Brunk, Sidney Hoos, Joseph G. Knapp, William H. Nicholls, Gustav F. Papanek, Harold B. Rowe, Geoffrey S. Shepherd, Herman M. Southworth & Frank J. Welch
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

The American Farm Economic Association has carefully assembled this book of readings on agricultural marketing, with the hope that the present book will be useful to graduate students, researchers, administrators, and economists in the dis- tributive trades. Such persons are finding it increasingly difficult to keep in touch with the numerous books, reports, and scientific papers dealing with agricultural marketing. The readings in this book were selected to cover a wide range of subject matter, to give different points of view on some controversial matters, and to illustrate new and promising techniques of economic research. In like fashion, the Association earlier had sponsored (1949) Readings on Agricultural Policy, edited by Professor 0. B. Jesness.

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M. Lois Calhoun
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M. Lois Calhoun. Microscopic Anatomy of the Digestive System of the Chicken. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1954.

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H. I. Featherly
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H. I. Featherly. Taxonomic Terminology of the Higher Plants. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1954.

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Ralph Sandlin Yohe
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Ralph Sandlin Yohe. What Our Farmers Can Learn From Other Lands. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1953.

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John W. Gowen, Conway Zirkle, George Harrison Shull, H. K. Hayes, M. M. Rhoades, R. A. Brink, W. Gordon Whaley, William J. Robbins, Edgar Anderson, William L. Brown, Adriano A. Buzzati-Traverso, Harold H. Smith, Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Sterling Emerson, Th. Dobzhansky, Donald F. Jones, M. R. Irwin, Carl C. Lindegren, H. H. Plough, James F. Crow, Leroy Powers, A. J. Mangelsdorf, Gordon E. Dickerson, C. R. Henderson, L. M. Winters, E. L. Pinnell, E. H. Rinke, Sherret S. Chase, G. F. Sprague, E. J. Wellhausen, Fred H. Hull, R. E. Comstock & H. F. Robinson
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John W. Gowen. Heterosis. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1952.

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Åke Gullander & Frank Robotka
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This book by Åke Gullander discusses primarily developments in co-operation among farmers. Readers of this volume should benefit from the insight which it gives into Swedish culture, traditions and circumstances, and the adaptations the Swedes have made to their environment.

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John F. Timmons, William G. Murray, Rainer Schickele, Warren S. Thompson, Charles E. Kellogg, Carleton P. Barnes, Sherman E. Johnson, H. H. Bennett, R. R. Renne, Marion Clawson, J. D. B. Harrison, Ernest S. Griffith, Ira N. Gabrielson, Joseph Ackerman, Raymond J. Penn, V. Webster Johnson & O. B. Jesness
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

John F. Timmons and William G. Murray. Land Problems and Policies. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1950.

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Nelson Klose
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Nelson Klose. America's Crop Heritage. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1950.

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Jack Spearing
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Jack Spearing. Fitting and Showing Dairy Cattle. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1948.

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Geoffrey S. Shepherd
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Agricultural Price Analysis. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947

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Richard J. Preston
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Richard J. Preston. Rocky Mountain Trees. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947.

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Clarence Andresen Hubbard
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Clarence Andresen Hubbard. Fleas of Western North America. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1947.

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Earle D. Ross, W. G. Murray, J. B. Peterson, A. J. Englehorn, G. F. Sprague, J. C. Cunningham, H. D. Hughes, Maurice E. Heath, J. C. Gilman, Mildred Hemmingsen, Carl J. Drake, A. L. Bakke, R. H. Porter, E. P. Sylwester, W. A. Craft, Arthur L. Anderson, P. S. Shearer, C. Y. Cannon, W. F. La Grange, A. B. Caine, George F. Stewart, Charles Murray, B. S. Pickett, A. T. Erwin, E. S. Haber, H. L. Lantz, H. E. Nichols, E. C. Volz, Gilmour B. Macdonald, F. B. Paddock, M. Mortensen, Sam H. Thompson, J. B. Davidson, Henry Giese, K. R. Marvin, Elizabeth E. Hoyt, M. L. Cushman, Louis Bernard Schmidt & John Hopkins
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State and the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Members of the Staff. A Century of Farming in Iowa. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1946.

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Arthur C. Bunce
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Arthur C. Bunce. The economics of soil conservation. Iowa State College Press, 1942.

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Irving Fox
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Irving Fox. Fleas of Eastern United States. Ames. IA: Iowa State College Press, 1940.

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Richard J. Preston
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Richard J. Preston. Rocky Mountain Trees. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1940.

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R. E. Buchanan, Henry Gilman, M. Mortensen, E. G. Hastings, H. C. Horneman, H. Macy, W. A. Cordes, A. H. White, E. H. Parfitt, H. C. Olson, R. V. Hussong, G. H. Wilster, Chris Jensen, F. H. Herzer, N. E. Fabricius, C. B. Lane, N. S. Golding, H. W. Bryant, Henry C. Hansen, E. F. Goss, H. A. Bendixen, G. Malcolm Trout, J. B. Stine, D. R. Theophilus, T. J. Claydon, A. C. Fay, W. B. Sarles, M. W. Yale, H. F. Long, Harry H. Weiser, Michael B. Michaelian & F. Eugene Nelson
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine

Iowa State College wishes to felicitate Dr. Hammer upon the completion of 25 years of service and to insist that what he has thus far accomplished may be but the merest fraction of what he will still be able to accomplish.

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Harlow B. Mills
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Harlow B. Mills. A Monograph of the Collembola of Iowa. Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1934.

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A. G. Black, R. C. Bentley, John A. Hopkins, William G. Murray, Theodore W. Schultz, Geoffrey Shepherd & Wallace Wright
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Economic Staff at Iowa State College. The Agricultural Emergency in Iowa. Ames, IA: Collegiate Press, 1933.

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