A Century of Farming in Iowa: 1846–1946

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Earle D. Ross, W. G. Murray, J. B. Peterson, A. J. Englehorn, G. F. Sprague, J. C. Cunningham, H. D. Hughes, Maurice E. Heath, J. C. Gilman, Mildred Hemmingsen, Carl J. Drake, A. L. Bakke, R. H. Porter, E. P. Sylwester, W. A. Craft, Arthur L. Anderson, P. S. Shearer, C. Y. Cannon, W. F. La Grange, A. B. Caine, George F. Stewart, Charles Murray, B. S. Pickett, A. T. Erwin, E. S. Haber, H. L. Lantz, H. E. Nichols, E. C. Volz, Gilmour B. Macdonald, F. B. Paddock, M. Mortensen, Sam H. Thompson, J. B. Davidson, Henry Giese, K. R. Marvin, Elizabeth E. Hoyt, M. L. Cushman, Louis Bernard Schmidt & John Hopkins
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Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State and the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Members of the Staff. A Century of Farming in Iowa. Ames, IA: Iowa State College Press, 1946.

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