Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis

Stephen B. Vardeman & J. Marcus Jobe
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In Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis, Stephen B. Vardeman and J. Marcus Jobe stress the use of statistical concepts and methods in engineering practice. Step by step, students get real engineering data, examples, and case studies that illustrate the use and importance of the book's statistical methods in realistic, thoroughly detailed situations. Many of the text's exercises are derived from self-directed engineering student group projects. These features encourage students to work through the text material by carrying out their own data collection and analysis projects, from problem formulation through preparation of professional technical reports—just as if they were on the job. Additional materials (beyond the text itself) are available in the "Chapters" dropdown menu below, including:
Published Published By Pages ISBN DOI Chapters Jan. 12, 2023 Iowa State University Digital Press 851 978-1-958291-03-0 10.31274/isudp.2023.127 18 License Information © 2001 Stephen B. Vardeman and J. Marcus Jobe. Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis is available under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International license. You may share and adapt the material, so long as you provide appropriate credit to the original authors, do not use the material for commercial purposes, and any adaptations or remixes of the material which you create are distributed under the same license as the original. Citation Vardeman S. & Jobe J. 2023. Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis -
Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis has the following chapters:
- Preface
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Data Collection
- 3 Elementary Descripive Statistics
- 4 Describing Relationships Between Variables
- 5 Probability: The Mathematics of Randomness
- 6 Introduction to Formal Statistical Inference
- 7 Inference for Unstructured Multisample Studies
- 8 Inference for Full and Fractional Factorial Studies
- 9 Regression Analysis—Inference for Curve- and Surface-Fitting
- Appendix A: More on Probability and Model Fitting
- 0 Appendix B: Tables
- 0 Answers to Section Exercises
- Index
- Additional Materials: Data Sets
- Additional Materials: Formula Sheets
- Solutions Manual
- 0 R Code Supplement for Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis by Vardeman and Jobe
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