Category: Open Textbooks

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Aaron Fonseca & Julie Dickerson
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Open Textbooks

Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning. This second edition provides a thorough coverage of the MATLAB concepts needed to complete each exercise, and incorporates hardware descriptions and explanations into the exercises that had integrated new lab equipment.

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Thea B. Gessler
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This handbook was developed to support the course, Experiences in Biodiversity Research. This course is intended to provide early undergraduates with experience in the practice of biodiversity research and to demystify the path to careers in this field.

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Dawn M. Bowker & Karla S. Kerkove
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This workbook was established with nurse educators and nursing students in mind to provide knowledge, guidance, and support for integrating social determinants of health (SDOH) across the nursing education spectrum. Contents from this workbook are applicable to pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs, RN-to-BSN programs, and graduate education.

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Hala Bastawros
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This book is designed to provide a deep understanding of the biological and biomedical aspects of human reproduction, covering a both basic reproductive biology and clinical applications.

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Ellen McKinney & Rachel Eike
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This instructional text and designer resources have been prepared to support those learning about adaptive apparel design. The text is easy for students, scholars, and designers to use, and is organized around the apparel design process: research, sketching, developing a sample notebook, mood or inspiration board, pattern work, first sample, and the completed ensemble. Users can read from beginning to end or jump into resources related to their current phase of design.

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Randall Harlow, Heather Peyton, Jonathan Clarke Schwabe & Daniel Swilley
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This OER presents an integrated suite of learning resources developed for the core music theory and musicianship curriculum at the University of Northern Iowa School of Music. It provides a more comprehensive symbiosis of musicianship and music theory learning than can be found in existing textbooks, including engaging and progressive video demonstrations and interactive listening and vocal exercises that integrate musical knowledge with foundational musical skills. This OER affords the flexibility to shape core musicianship and music theory learning to meet the needs of changing School of Music demographics well into the future, a resource for innovative and inviting music programs accessible to all.

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Nandita Gurjar, Sohyun Meacham & Constance Beecher
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Theories, teaching strategies, and instructional materials pertinent to teaching reading and writing in grades PK-3, with an emphasis on integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as integration across content areas while addressing diversity and inclusion.

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This lab book is intended for use in both the lab and kitchen. Each section of the book contains learning objectives, lab problems to be solved, recipes, questions, and observation charts for the input of data.

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Jacqulyn A. Baughman
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A collection of readings and exercises aligned with the course, ME 270, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, at Iowa State University. This course provides an overview of mechanical engineering design with applications to thermal and mechanical systems, and an introduction to current design practices used in industry. As part of the course design, learners will complete a semester-long team project focused on addressing societal needs.

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Stephen B. Vardeman & J. Marcus Jobe
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Open Textbooks

In Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis, Stephen B. Vardeman and J. Marcus Jobe stress the use of statistical concepts and methods in engineering practice. Step by step, students get real engineering data, examples, and case studies that illustrate the use and importance of the book's statistical methods in realistic, thoroughly detailed situations. Many of the text's exercises are derived from self-directed engineering student group projects. These features encourage students to work through the text material by carrying out their own data collection and analysis projects, from problem formulation through preparation of professional technical reports—just as if they were on the job.

Additional materials (beyond the text itself) are available in the "Chapters" dropdown menu below, including:

  • individual book chapters
  • chapter formula sheets
  • book datasets in digital form
  • a complete solutions manual for book exercises
  • a PDF supplement providing R language code and output for book examples
  • files holding the R language code illustrated in the document

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Austin Bray & Reza Montazami
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This textbook provides an introduction to the MATLAB programming language for first-year mechanical engineering students enrolled in ME 160. Designed to follow the content taught in class, this book provides a supplement to in-class learning that is presented at a level that is understandable to a student with no experience coding before coming to Iowa State University.

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Diana Lang
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This book provides an overview of lifespan developmental tasks (physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional) examined from individual and family theoretical perspectives. It covers topics related to families, diversity, individual and family health and well-being, and reciprocal relationships as affected by external factors.

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Yongyeon Cho
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This book is for the advanced level of both architecture and interior design students who in-depth knowledge and skills of computer-aided visualization software. The author developed a total of twenty-two chapters to teach practical graphic presentation techniques for architectural presentations. Readers will learn these techniques by following step-by-step tutorials. This book is included multiple exercises for the reader's practice. After completing the tutorial with user practice, the readers can apply comprehensive techniques and knowledge to their design projects.

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Amber Anderson
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This textbook introduces readers to the basics of soil science, including: the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils; soil formation, classification, and global distribution; soil health, soils and humanity, and sustainable land management.

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Walter Suza & Donald Lee
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This textbook provides an introduction to plant genetics and biotechnology for the advancement of agriculture. A clear and structured introduction to the topic for learners new to the field of genetics, the book includes: an introduction to the life cycle of the cell, DNA and how it relates to genes and chromosomes, DNA analysis, recombinant DNA, biotechnology, and transmission genetics.

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Kate Gilbert & Ken Prusa
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A practical how-to illustrating the process of developing a new food product from ideation and formulation to processing and lastly commercialization. This book highlights the overall process and gives instructions for each of the steps along the way.

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You will learn how scholarly information is produced, organized, and accessed; how to construct and use effective search strategies in a variety of web tools and scholarly databases; how to choose finding tools appropriate to the type of information you need; critical thinking skills in the evaluation of resources; and best practices in the ethical use of information.

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Andrew K. Bolstad & Julie A. Dickerson
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Open Textbooks
Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning.

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E.J. Bahng & John M. Hauptman
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In a science methods course during the Covid19 pandemic, 51 future elementary teachers authored children's books and then read them aloud as part of a giving-back, service-learning activity as Open Educational Resources (OER). The 51 children's stories and their accompanying audiobooks aim to integrate STEM and the Arts to humanize science and scientific inquiry with history and philosophy of science in mind.

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Karri Haen Whitmer
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The Biology 256 Laboratory course was designed to provide students with hands-on access to modern techniques in human physiological analyses using the course-based research pedagogical approach. In this course, students will learn how to perform literature searches; generate research questions and hypotheses; design experiments; collect, analyze, visualize and interpret data; and present scientific findings to others. The Biol 256L curriculum offers a high-impact human physiology experience that fosters the critical thinking skills required to be a successful citizen in a modern world filled with misinformation.

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Yongyeon Cho
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This book is for the beginning level of both architecture and interior design students who learn computer graphic communication software. The author developed multiple tutorials to teach three computer graphic applications, AutoCAD, Revit, and Enscape. AutoCAD is an essential computer drafting software which is 2D drawing software. Revit is a Building Information Modeling software, which is 3D based modeling software. Lastly, Enscape is a real-time rendering, animation, and virtual reality plug-in for users' 4D experiences.

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Ji-Yeong I & Ricardo Martinez
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This book is designed for pre-service/in-service teachers and others who will work or work with K–12 students who have linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, especially students of other languages (English language learners/Emergent bilingual/multilingual).

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Timothy Kochem, Monica Ghosh, Lily Compton & Elena Cotos
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This textbook includes materials on listening, speaking, lexicogrammar, pragmatics, and pronunciation.

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Kelly L. Reddy-Best
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This textbook addresses how identity influences appearance, fashion, style, and the body.

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Tony R. Kuphaldt & John R. Haughery
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This free electrical engineering/technology textbook provides a series of chapters covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking for an application-centric coverage of this field.

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Diana L. Lang
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This book has been created for students and all individuals who work with children and families (e.g., educators, parents, caregivers, direct support workers, etc.) in diverse contexts.  It is imperative to understand how and what factors may influence child outcomes across the lifespan. Therefore, key concepts related to parenting, child-rearing, care-giving, and parenting education are outlined in this textbook to provide historical, theoretical, and practical perspectives across vast settings and developmental domains.

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Evrim Baran
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Online Learning Toolbox is a collection of seminal readings with commentary on different topics of online learning.

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The purpose of Library 160 is to introduce students to the use of academic research libraries, available library services, and online information resources, with an emphasis on information literacy and the research process. In this course, you will learn how scholarly information is produced, organized, and accessed; how to construct and use effective search strategies in a variety of web tools and scholarly databases; how to choose finding tools appropriate to the type of information you need; critical thinking skills in the evaluation of resources; and best practices in the ethical use of information.

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Peter L. Moore
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This text is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.

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Larysa Nadolny
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This resource will introduce you to the laws and best practices that support digital learning and digital teaching in the 21st century. You will become familiar with the basic foundations of copyright and fair use while exploring case studies in education.

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