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Modern Information Technologies in Scientific Research and Educational Activities

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Kyrylo Malakhov, Vadislav Kaverinskiy, Liliia Ivanova, Oleksandr Romanyuk, Oksana Romaniuk, Svitlana Voinova, Sergii Kotlyk & Oksana Sokolova
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Engineering and Technology

The monograph summarizes and analyzes the current state of scientific research in the field of interactive artificial intelligence systems, text generation systems, diagnostics of the competitiveness of specialists, in the areas of correct color rendering in image formation, informatization of the work of graduate students, accessible technology for creating three-dimensional 3D models.

The monograph will be useful both to specialists and employees of companies working in the IT field, as well as teachers, masters, students and graduate students of higher educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in issues related to information technology

The monograph was compiled based on the results of the XVI international scientific and practical conference “Information technologies and automation — 2023”, which took place in October 2023 at Odessa National University of Technology

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