
The Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE) is a Diamond Open Access, open peer-reviewed journal. The journal features content concerned with OER, Open Pedagogy, Open Access, Open Data, and similar topics focusing specifically within the context of Higher Education in the United States and Canada. Regular issues are published annually in the Fall with the Call For Papers announced the previous Spring. Special Issues are released on an ad hoc basis.

Alongside quantitative and qualitative research articles, JOERHE features a columns section where authors can present case studies, experiential essays, notes from the field, and similar shorter form entries. The columns section will be editorially reviewed by the Columns Editor. JOERHE also features a reviews section where individuals will be invited to review OER, similar to how journals present book reviews of relevant works. The Reviews Editor will select OER to be reviewed and solicit qualified individuals to review the works for each issue. The Innovative Practices section consists of short-form, practical, applicable, case-study type articles that are not research-based and provide a description of a practice, innovation, or program that is replicable and/or useful for individuals in higher education who are engaged in Open Pedagogy, Open Data, and/or Open Educational Resources. The addition of tables, toolkits, checklists, and other practical aids are encouraged.

Before submitting to JOERHE, please review our Journal Policies and Section Guidelines.