Methods to Re-center the “Other:” When Discarding Outliers Means Discarding Already Marginalized Stories
In this conceptual essay, I argue that the way educationalresearch normatively addresses outliers is dismissive to queer narratives.Queering the approaches to “deal with outliers” can disrupt the furthermarginalization inflicted by researchers on already marginalized voices. Inthis paper, I provide guidance to queer the method of outlier managementthrough outlining alternative methodological approaches to center queer andtrans lived experiences. Applying queer theory and trans ways of knowing, I willillustrate general examples of how to carve new ways of amplifying queernarratives in quantitative inquiry and interrogate post-positivisticparadigms. In so doing, academics canqueer the way knowledge is accumulated and invite people to transcend the categoriesand standards typically perpetuated in quantitative research.
Keywords: Methodology, Higher Education, LGBTQ, Queer Theory
How to Cite:
Curley, K. M., (2019) “Methods to Re-center the “Other:” When Discarding Outliers Means Discarding Already Marginalized Stories”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 8(2). doi:
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