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Poster Presentation

The Usage of 360 Video for High Altitude Ballooning and Education

  • Mary Clare Greenlees (Adler Planetarium)


Throughout the spring and summer of 2017, high school students at the Adler Planetarium designed and tested methods of capturing 360 degree virtual reality video from a High Altitude Balloon platform. Beginning with off-the-shelf 360 degree cameras, we used an iterative process of designing and testing to solve issues such as power management, calibration and post processing. The project involved learning new skills and technologies such as 3D printing, engineering, scripting and video editing. For this project we were able to delve deeper into not only science and engineering, but also the art behind visualizing near space flight. We hope that by harnessing these experiences and methods, we will be able to engage teens by intertwining arts and sciences. On August 21, 2017 the system we designed captured a view of the total solar eclipse from the stratosphere. I will present those results.

How to Cite:

Greenlees, M. C., (2017) “The Usage of 360 Video for High Altitude Ballooning and Education”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2017(1). doi:



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