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An Integrated Online HAB System

  • Ethan Harstad (Iowa State University)


Aerodyne Labs has been working with the Stratospheric Ballooning Association to develop an all inclusive high altitude ballooning software suite. This software suite is intended to allow every step of conducting a balloon flight to be conducted on a single website. Flight predictions can be performed many days in advance and used to automatically generate notices for both the FAA and public. Once the balloon has been launched, telemetry can be streamed to the website to allow real-time position and telemetry updates, including a dedicated view for FAA controllers. Data that is not streamed from the payload can be uploaded after the payload is recovered, allowing for easy and automatic archival as well as effortless searching and comparison of all public data. This public flight data will be used to continually improve the flight prediction algorithms, further increasing the reliability of the system. This system is being developed with open source principles that allow everyone to benefit from the system and even to contribute to its development. These principles include community feedback on the development roadmap, public access to the data through published RESTful APIs, and publicly available source code.

How to Cite:

Harstad, E., (2015) “An Integrated Online HAB System”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2015(1). doi:



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