Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare at Transport and Slaughter

  • Rebecca Holmes (Bavarian Inspection Authority for Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs)


An increasing number of reports on serious violation of animal welfare in pig slaughterhouses has had significant impact on consumer behaviour concerning meat products in the past year. NGOs have been documenting the violation of animal welfare and cruel handling of animals in slaughterhouses throughout Europe and media has been reporting on these issues. This has led to shutdowns of plants and the prosecution of food business operators and veterinarians in some cases. Due to the broad publicity of the “scandals“, governments responsible for inspections in slaughterhouses are being urged to take action. Why did inspections carried out by official veterinarians in these slaughterhouses fail? Do veterinarians on the plants receive adequate support by their competent authorities to stand up to the pressure of food business operators (FBOs) concerning animal welfare issues? Which steps will increase FBOs understanding to recognise the relevance of animal welfare during slaughter and carry responsibility?

How to Cite:

Holmes, R., (2019) “Animal Welfare at Transport and Slaughter”, SafePork 13(1), 40–41. doi:

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Published on
28 Aug 2019