Forward Progress: Diverse Digital Preservation Perspectives
Unfortunately, to move digital preservation efforts forward in archives, there is no one size fits all or silver bullet solution. Nevertheless, and no matter the size or type of one’s institution, there are practical steps that can be taken to move from no digital preservation program to an evolving one, or at least improve upon existing efforts. To quote Trevor Owens, "Digital Preservation is about making the best use of your resources to mitigate the most pressing preservation threats and risks." This session will examine methods and tools that are transferable to all of our diverse institutions. The speakers will present case studies from their respective institutions: a lone arranger from a small, private liberal arts university will address starting an in-house digital preservation program through the use of a variety of tools and strategies, including participation in a Digital POWRR Institute; the Head of Special Collections and University Archives at a mid-size university will discuss how they are currently developing a digital preservation commitment levels matrix on the heels of a freshly minted digital preservation policy and digital stewardship team; and the digital preservation librarian from a large university will discuss their efforts to map digital preservation and access workflows to develop process improvements, creating a prioritization and governance process for those activities, and refreshing their digital preservation policy framework. With this 90-minute session, we intend to leave plenty of time for discussion and dialog with audience members about opportunities and strategies for implementation at their respective institutions.
How to Cite:
Noonan, D. W., Hartwig, D. & Moorman, A. M., (2022) “Forward Progress: Diverse Digital Preservation Perspectives”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2022(1).
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