
A Pilot Study for Integrating Virtual Reality into an Introductory Design and Graphics Course

  • Shana Shiang-Fong Smith (Iowa State University)
  • Shu-Ling Lee (Taiwan Central Weather Bureau)


Virtual reality (VR) applications have been used in several learning processes that involve visualization and simulation. However, uses for and the effectiveness of VR in design and graphics education have not been extensively explored. Two kinds of VR tools were tested in this pilot study to examine the use of VR technologies for enhancing students’ learning and the applications and potential of VR in design and graphics courses. Students in an introductory design and graphics course were given opportunities to experience VR during in-class lectures. A survey was developed to both quantitatively and qualitatively measure student perceptions, related to their VR experiences. The study survey shows that the effectiveness of integrating VR models in design courses is strongly affected by VR model image quality, which is determined by the VR tools used. Further study is needed for isolating factors (e.g., exposure time) that might influence learning design and graphics materials in VR environments.

Keywords: CAD|graphic communications|research|teaching methods|visual communication|virtual reality

How to Cite:

Smith, S. S. & Lee, S., (2004) “A Pilot Study for Integrating Virtual Reality into an Introductory Design and Graphics Course”, Journal of Industrial Technology 20(4).

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Published on
31 Aug 2004