Social Justice Education In Higher Education: A Conversation With Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington
The following is an interview with Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington, one of the founders of the Social Justice Training Institute (SJTI). Over the past 20 years, he has worked as a scholar, practitioner, activist, consultant, and administrator in higher education and social justice. In these various roles, Rev. Dr. Washington has continued to inspire, influence, and motivate individuals and entire organizations to embrace social justice as a way of being and to join him in the process to create structural and institutional change. The interview with Rev. Dr. Washington provides insight into his life as a social justice educator and his views on the field of social justice. He also offers valuable advice to those wanting to make positive and transformative institutional change.
Keywords: Evolution social justice, social justice in higher education
How to Cite:
Washington, J., (2012) “Social Justice Education In Higher Education: A Conversation With Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 1(1).
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