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For Our Children: A Study And Critical Discussion Of The Influences On American Indian And Alaska Native Education Policy

  • Hollie J. Mackey (University of Oklahoma)
  • Linda Sue Warner (Northeastern A&M College)


Inequities in educational opportunities, resources, research, and meaningful discussion are widespread for American Indian and Alaska Native students in the overarching context of American education. From a policy perspective, many might question the relative non-existence of this population outside a few select education circles. We seek to determine and describe the baseline influential studies, organizations, information sources, and people for American Indian/Alaska Native education policy through the lens of indigenous education experts in the field. Methods include web-based surveys and citation index. The dearth of literature in this field is evidence enough that more can be done to meet the needs of this diverse and unique set of students. The study seeks to move American Indian/Alaska Native issues into the general education policy conversation and to serve as a catalyst for critical conversations about the education of American Indian and Alaskan Native students. By understanding the origins of education policy affecting American Indian/Alaskan Natives, this study advances critical scholarship and practice providing insight into the people themselves; what they value, who they trust, and what is most influential and important to them in terms of the future of their children.

Keywords: American Indian/Alaska Native Education Policy, indigenous education, survey research, citation analysis, No Child Left Behind

How to Cite:

Mackey, H. J. & Warner, L., (2013) “For Our Children: A Study And Critical Discussion Of The Influences On American Indian And Alaska Native Education Policy”, Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 2(1).

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