2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Management Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Matthew L. Schnabel, Zack A, Koopman, Cody Schneider and Tyler Mitchell

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

The ISU Coles Memorial Farm: Nutrient Management and Research

Tim Goode, Mark S. Honeyman and Kapil Arora

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Installation Costs of Saturated Buffer and Oxbow Wetland

Ethan Thies

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

The Doubled Haploid Facility

Ursula Frei, Thomas Lubberstedt and Elizabeth Bovenmyer

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Installation and Early Data of Saturated Buffers

Ethan Thies

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Evaluation of Foliar Fungicides on Soybeans in Central Iowa

Daren S. Mueller, Yuba Kandel and Stith N. Wiggs

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

The ISU Compost Facility after Eight Years

Steve Jonas and Tim Goode

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Ag Engineering and Agronomy Farm and Central Iowa Research Farms Summary

Ag Engineering and Agronomy Farm, Central Iowa Research Farms, Mike W. Fiscus and Nathan Meyers

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Planter Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Lyle T. Rossiter, Chris Beedle, Matthew L. Schnabel, Zachary A, Koopman, Cody Schneider and Tyler Mitchell

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Evaluation of Various Technologies for Management of Larval Corn Rootworm in Central Iowa

Aaron J. Gassmann and Patrick Weber

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring Program at the ISU Been and North Woodruff Farms

Rachel Vanausdall, Stephen Dinsmore, Karen Kinkead and Paul Frese

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Corn and Soybean Response to Humic Product Applications on the Clarion-Nicollet-Webster Soil Association

Dan Olk and Dana Dinnes

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

ISU On-Farm Cooperator Demonstration Trials: Relationships and Partnerships–2017

Zack A, Koopman, Jim Rogers, Lyle T. Rossiter, Joel L. DeJong, Josh Michel, Brandon Zwiefel, Tyler Mitchell, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Mike Witt

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

BioCentury Research Farm Update

Andrew A. Suby

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Development of the Enviratron Facility

Steven Whitham, Stephen Howell, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Thomas Lubberstedt and Lie Tang

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Nutrient Content of Liquid Dairy Manure in Iowa

Mark S. Honeyman and Ben Drescher

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Monarch Oviposition and Larval Survival on Nine Native Milkweed Species

Victoria Pocius, Richard L Hellmich and Diane Debinski

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Variety Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Zack A. Koopman, Matthew L. Schnabel and Jim Rogers

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Long-Term Tillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Soil Carbon and Soil Productivity in Central Iowa

Mahdi Al-Kaisi and David Kwaw-Mensah

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

On-Farm Sulfur Fertilization of Alfalfa and Corn Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Jim Rogers, Zack A, Koopman, Tyler Mitchell, Matthew Schnabel and John Sawyer

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Forecasting and Assessment of Plant Growth, Soil Water-Nitrogen, and Grain Yield for Central Iowa

Sotirios Archontoulis, Mark A. Licht and Ashlyn Kessler

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Agricultural Engineering/Agronomy, Central Iowa, and BioCentury Research Farms

Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Comparison of Organic and Conventional Crops at the Neely-Kinyon Long-Term Agroecological Research Site

Kathleen Delate, Rebecca Johnson and Randy Breach

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

In-Season Forecasting of Plant Growth, Soil Water-Nitrogen, and Grain Yield in Southwest Iowa

Sotirios Archontoulis, Mark A. Licht and Raziel Ordóñez

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Yield of Corn and Soybean Managed with Tillageor No Tillage as Affected by the Phosphorusand Potassium Placement Method

Antonio Mallarino, John Jones, Jackson Hirniak, Louis Thompson, Daniel Schaben and John Beckman

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Sulfur Fertilization of Alfalfaand Corn Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Jim Rogers, Zack A, Koopman, Tyler Mitchell, Matthew L. Schnable and John E. Sawyer

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Cover Crop Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Tyler Mitchell, Jim Rogers and Cody Schneider

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Long-Term Tillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Soil Carbon and Soil Productivity in Southwest Iowa

Mahdi Al-Kaisi and David Kwaw-Mensah

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Plant Growth Regulator DemonstrationTrials in Corn and Soybean

Jim Fawcett, Jim Rogers, Chris Beedle and Lyle T. Rossiter

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Effectiveness of Foliar Fungicides by Timingon Gray Leaf Spot on Hybrid Corn

Alison Robertson, Dan Schaben and John Beckman

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

No-Tillage Weed Management Programs with Roundup Ready Xtend and LibertyLink Soybean

Micheal Owen, Damian Franzenburg, James Lee and Iththiphonh Macvilay

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Fungicide Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Jim Rogers and Chris Beedle

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Demonstrating Cover Crop Mixtures on Iowa Farmland:Management, Soil Health, and Water Quality Benefits

Mark A. Licht, Liz Juchems, Jacqueline Comito, Matthew Helmers and Sarah Carlson

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Fertilizer Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Jim Rogers, Cody Schneider, Tyler Mitchell, Chris Beedle, Lyle T. Rossiter and Josh Michel

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

On-Farm Corn and Soybean Variety Demonstration Trials

Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Zack A, Koopman, Matthew Schnabel and Jim Rogers

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

ISU On-Farm Cooperator Demonstration Trials:Relationships and Partnerships—2017

Zack A, Koopman, Jim Rogers, Lyle T. Rossiter, Joel L. DeJong, Josh Michel, Brandon Zwiefel, Tyler Mitchell, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Mike Witt

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Armstrong and Neely-Kinyon Research Farms Summary

Armstrong and Neely-Kinyon Research Farms and Dallas Maxwell

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Monarch Oviposition and Larval Survivalon Nine Native Milkweed Species

Victoria Pocius, Richard Hellmich and Diane Debinski

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

2017 Home Demonstration Garden

Cynthia Haynes and Laura Irish

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

Horticulture Research Station

Home Lawn Seeding Mixtures and Timing Trial

Adam Thoms, Ben Pease and Isaac Mertz

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports

Integrating Vegetable and Poultry Production for Sustainable Cropping Systems

Moriah Bilenky and Ajay Nair

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Effects of Wetting Agent Use to Reduce Turf Damage on Native Soil Athletic Fields

Ben Pease, Adam Thoms and Nick Christians

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports

NE-1020 Cold-Hardy Wine Grape Cultivar Trial

Mark Rippke, Diana Cochran, Gail Nonnecke, Annie Butler and Kenneth McCabe

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Studies of Soybean Root System Architecture

Kevin Falk and Asheesh K. Singh

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Evaluation of Select Pre-Emergent Herbicides on Non-Bearing Crops

Diana Cochran and Mark Rippke

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Ornamental Grass Demonstration Planting

Tim Dalsgaard, Cynthia Haynes, Nick Christians, Adam Thoms and Ben Pease

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports

Bermudagrass Cultivar Trial Subjected to Simulated Athletic Field Traffic

Adam Thoms, Ben Pease and Nick Christians

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports

Improving Row Cover Systems for Organic Management of Bacterial Wilt in Muskmelon and Squash – Year 2

Hayley Nelson and Mark Gleason

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Eighth Year Performance of Honeycrisp Grafted on Dwarfing Rootstocks of the NC-140 Regional Apple Rootstock Trial

Mark Rippke, Diana Cochran and Lynn Schroeder

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Effects of Wetting Agent Timing on Native Soil Athletic Fields

Ben Pease, Adam Thoms and Nick Christians

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports

Kentucky Bluegrass Shade Cultivar Evaluation Trial

Adam Thoms, Ben Pease and Nick Christians

2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports

Also a part of:

Collection: Horticulture Research Station

Collection: Turfgrass Reports