Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm
Water Quality Research Map Highlights Projects on ISU Farms
Ann Robinson, Kay Stefanik and Matthew J. Helmers
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Soybean Response to Sidedressed Liquid Potassium Fertilizer in Southeast Iowa
Antonio P. Mallarino, Louis B. Thompson, Myron C. Rees and Cody Schneider
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Southeast Research Farm Summary 2019
Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association, Myron C. Rees and Cody Schneider
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Sulfur Fertilization of Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Brandon Zwiefel, Shannon Hoyle, Zack A, Koopman, Cody Schneider and John E. Sawyer
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Cover Crop Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Lyle T. Rossiter, Jim Rogers and Cody Schneider
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Population Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Jim Rogers, Chris Beedle, Cody Schneider and Brandon Zwiefel
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Fungicide Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Chris Beedle, Brandon Zwiefel, Zack A, Koopman, Jim Rogers and Cody Schneider
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Fertilizer Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Lyle T. Rossiter, Brandon Zwiefel, Jim Rogers, Zack A, Koopman, Shannon Hoyle, Cody Schneider and Dominic Snyder
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
ISU On-Farm Cooperator Demonstration Trials: Relationships and Partnerships—2019
Zack A, Koopman, Jim Rogers, Lyle T. Rossiter, Joel L. DeJong, Gary Thompson, Dominic Snyder, Brandon Zwiefel, Shannon Hoyle, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Mike Witt
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of Organic Soybean Varieties
Kathleen Delate, Daniel Korhonen, Myron C. Rees and Cody Schneider
2020-03-31 2019 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Miscanthus REpeated PLAnting Year (REPLAY) Study
Nicholas Boersma, Collin De Graaf and Emily Heaton
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Corn Yield Response to Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate
John Lundvall and John Sawyer
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Demonstrating Cover Crop Mixtures on Iowa Farmland: Management, Soil Health, and Water Quality Benefits
Mark Licht, Liz Juchems, Matthew Helmers, Emily Waring and Sarah Carlson
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Effectiveness of Foliar Fungicides by Timing on Gray Leaf Spot on Hybrid Corn in Southeast Iowa
Cody Schndeider, Alison Robertson and Myron Rees
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Effect of Sidedressed Liquid Potassium Fertilizer for Corn in Southeast Iowa
Cody Schneider, Myron Rees, Antonio Mallarino and Louis Thompson
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of Organic Corn Varieties
Cody Schneider, Kathleen Delate, Daniel Korhonen and Myron Rees
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Long-Term Tillage and Crop Rotation Effect on Yield and Soil Carbon in Southeast Iowa
Mahdi Al-Kaisi and David Kwaw-Mensah
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
ISU On-Farm Cooperator Demonstration Trials: Relationships and Partnerships—2018
Zack Koopman, Jim Rogers, Lyle Rossiter, Joel DeJong, Brandon Zwiefel, Tyler Mitchell, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Mike Witt
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Fungicide Demonstration Trials
Tyler Mitchell, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schndeider and Jim Fawcett
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Planter Demonstration Trials
Jim Rogers, Lyle Rossiter, Tyler Mitchell, Andrew Weaver, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Jim Fawcett
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Cover Crop Demonstration Trials
Jim Rogers, Lyle Rossiter, Tyler Mitchell, Cody Schneider and Jim Fawcett
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Sulfur Fertilization of Alfalfa and Corn Demonstration Trials
John Sawyer, Brandon Zwiefel, Tyler Mitchell, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Jim Fawcett
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Seasonal and Rotational Influences on Corn Nitrogen Fertilization
John Lundvall and John Sawyer
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Southeast Research Farm Summary 2018
Myron Rees
2019-04-25 2018 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Monarch Oviposition and Larval Survivalon Nine Native Milkweed Species
Victoria Pocius, Richard Hellmich and Diane Debinski
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Demonstrating Cover Crop Mixtures on Iowa Farmland:Management, Soil Health, and Water Quality Benefits
Mark A. Licht, Liz Juchems, Jacqueline Comito, Matthew Helmers and Sarah Carlson
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and SoybeanFertilizer Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Jim Rogers, Cody Schneider, Tyler Mitchell, Chris Beedle, Lyle T. Rossiter and Josh Michel
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Long-Term Tillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Yield and Soil Carbon in Southeast Iowa
Mahdi Al-Kaisi and David Kwaw-Mensah
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of Soil-Applied Insecticides for Management of Corn Rootworm Larvae in Southeast Iowa
Aaron J. Gassmann and Patrick J. Weber
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Planter Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Lyle T. Rossiter, Chris Beedle, Matthew L. Schnabel, Zack A, Koopman, Cody Schneider and Tyler Mitchell
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
ISU On-Farm Cooperator Demonstration Trials:Relationships and Partnerships–2017
Zack A, Koopman, Jim Rogers, Lyle T. Rossiter, Joel L. DeJong, Josh Michel, Brandon Zwiefel, Tyler Mitchell, Cody Schneider, Chris Beedle and Mike Witt
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Impact of Drainage Water Management on Crop Yield, Drainage Volume, and Nitrate Loss
Matt Helmers, Carl H. Pederson, Kristina TeBockhorst, Greg Brenneman and Myron Rees
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Corn Response to Nitrogen, Potassium, and Sulfur in Southeast Iowa
Antonio Mallarino, Jackson Hirniak, Ryan R. Oltmans and Myron Rees
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Variety Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Zack A, Koopman, Matthew L. Schnabel and Cody Schneider
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Southeast Research Farm Summary
Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association and Myron Rees
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of Organic Barley Varieties andOrganic No-Till Soybean Demonstration
Kathleen Delate, Rebecca Johnson and Myron Rees
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
On-Farm Corn and Soybean Management Demonstration Trials
Jim Fawcett, Andrew Weaver, Matthew L. Schnabel, Zack A, Koopman, Cody Schneider and Tyler Mitchell
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Effectiveness of Foliar Fungicides by Timingon Gray Leaf Spot on Hybrid Corn
Alison Robertson and Myron Rees
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
In-Season Forecasting of Plant Growth,Soil Water-Nitrogen, and Grain Yield in Southeast Iowa
Sotirios Archontoulis and Mark A. Licht
2018-01-01 2017 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of Ampex Insecticidefor Management of Corn Rootworm Larvae
Aaron J. Gassmann and Patrick Weber
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
2016 Home Demonstration Garden
Cynthia Haynes and Laura Irish
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Southeast Research Farm Summary
Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association, Myron Rees and Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Conservation Tillage Study
Greg Brenneman and Myron Rees
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Corn Date of Planting and Maturity in Southeast Iowa
Mark A. Licht and Myron Rees
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Seasonal and Rotational Influences on Corn Nitrogen Fertilization in Southeast Iowa
John E. Sawyer and Daniel Barker
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Agronomy in the Field: Increasing Agronomic Skills for Women
Meaghan Anderson and Rebecca Vittetoe
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Effects of Commercial Seed Treatments on Soybean Emergence and Yield
Alison Robertson, Mauricio Serrano and Myron Rees
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Aglime and Pelleted Aglime in a Southeast Iowa Acid Soil
Antonio Mallarino, Mazhar Haq and Myron Rees
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of:
Monarch Oviposition and Larval Survivalon Nine Native Milkweed Species Duringthe 2016 Breeding Season
Victoria Pocius, Diane Debinski and Richard L Hellmich
2017-01-01 2016 Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports
Also a part of: