Author Name Change Policy

The Midwest Archives Conference is committed to responding to requests for author name changes with as few barriers as possible. Name changes are available to authors upon request, with no legal documentation required. In cases where authors wish to change their name for any reason following publication in Archival Issues, the Midwest Archives Conference will update all digitally published content, metadata, and associated records under our control to reflect the requested name change. To protect authors’ privacy, we will not issue a notice of correction for the name change or notify co-authors or editors. Please note that changes to printed copies of Archival Issues or digital versions of content disseminated via institutional repositories or other external platforms are beyond our control.

Authors who wish to update or change their name as previously published in Archival Issues should contact Brandon Pieczko, Archival Issues Editorial Board Chair, at Requests will be addressed as quickly as possible in a respectful and confidential manner.

The Midwest Archives Conference is committed to collaborating with other groups to support systemic changes to ensure name changes are fully supported in academic publishing. To that end, we encourage all contributors to Archival Issues to utilize open systems like ORCiD which allow authors, researchers, and scholars to create profiles with associated unique, persistent identifiers independent of their legal names and/or institutional affiliations.