
496 results

Music Preservation and Archiving Today. Edited by Norie Guthrie and Scott Carlson. [Review]

Olga Virakhovskaya

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 84–87

The Silence of the Archive. By David Thomas, Simon Fowler, and Valerie Johnson. [Review]

Ashley Howdeshell

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 66–68

Human Operators: A Critical Oral History on Technology in Libraries and Archives. Edited by Melissa Morrone. [Review]

Kayla Harris

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 68–71

Preserving Digital Materials. 3rd edition. By Ross Harvey and Jaye Weatherburn. [Review]

Steven Gentry

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 60–62

Using GIS and Mapping Tools to Access and Visualize Archival Records: Case Studies and Survey Results of North American Archivists and Historians

Tom Belton

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 22–45

Developing a Practical Electronic Records Transfer Workflow for Wisconsin Public Records

Hannah Wang and Laura Poplett

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 39–49

The Undergraduate Feedback Loop: Summarizing, Analyzing, and Acting On Qualitative Student Feedback in Special Collections and Archives Education Programs

Matthew Strandmark

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 7–21

Successful Campus Outreach for Academic Libraries: Building Community through Collaboration. Edited by Peggy Keeran and Carrie Forbes. [Review]

Carol Street

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 75–77

Telling Stories: A Case Study in Podcasting with Archival Resources

Jacklyn Rander and Leigh Rupinski

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 24–38

The Complete Guide to Personal Digital Archiving. Edited by Brianna H. Marshall. [Review]

Blake Graham

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 62–64

Organizing Archival Records. 4th edition. By David W. Carmicheal. [Review]

Angela Cornrow

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 50–52

Project Management in Libraries: On Time, On Budget, On Target. By Carly Wiggins Searcy. [Review]

Laura Drake Davis

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 53–54

Archival Futures. Edited by Caroline Brown. [Review]

Lori Dedeyan

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 55–59

Ethics for Records and Information Management. By Norman A. Mooradian. [Review]

Andrew Harris

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 63–65

Digital Archives: Management, Use and Access. Edited by Milena Dobreva. [Review]

McGarvey Ice

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 69–71

Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures. Edited by Lorraine Daston. [Review]

Charlie Harper

2019-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 2 • 2019 • 65–67

Putting the User First: The Importance of the Reference Archivist in Online Projects

Cara Bertram

2019-01-01 Volume 40 • Issue 1 • 2019 • 7–23

Well, What Came Next?: Selections from ArchivesNext, 2007–2017. By Kate Theimer. [Review]

Jacquelyn R. Esposito

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 71–73

Digital Preservation Practices among Midwestern Four-year Public Colleges and Universities

Matt Gorzalski

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 26–52

Sources and Methods in Histories of Colonialism: Approaching the Imperial Archive. Edited by Kirsty Reid and Fiona Paisley. [Review]

Sarah Demb

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 67–68

A No-Budget, In-House, Staff-Led Professional Development Model

Jennifer King

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 53–63

Moving Images and Sound Collections for Archivists. By Anthony Cocciolo. [Review]

Paul Eisloeffel

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 69–70

Participatory Heritage. Edited by Henriette Roued-Cunliffe and Andrea Copeland.

Brady M. Banta

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 64–66

Putting Descriptive Standards to Work. Edited by Kris Kiesling and Christopher J. Prom. [Review]

Tamar Zeffren

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 81–82

Learning in Place: The Teaching Archivist and Place-Based Education

Carey Beam and Carrie Schwier

2018-01-01 Volume 39 • Issue 1 • 2018 • 7–25