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Pantothenic Acid Needs for Specific Biological Processes in Pigs

  • T. S. Stahly (Iowa State University)
  • T. R. Lutz (Iowa State University)


Two lean growth strains of pigs and three dietary concentrations of bioavailable pantothenic acid [32, 132, 262% of the estimated NRC (5) requirements for 5 to 10 kg pigs] were utilized to determine the pantothenic acid needs for specific biological processes in the pig. Endogenous pantothenic acid production was estimated as 2.96 and 2.73 mg/BW kg.75/d for the high and moderate lean strains. Based on dietary as well as endogenously synthesized pantothenic acid supplies, the gross efficiency of total pantothenic acid utilization was estimated as 10.5 % and was independent of dietary pantothenic acid concentration. Dietary pantothenic acid additions did not alter bodyweight gain or body energy retention. However, dietary pantothenic acid additions did alter body composition by redirecting energy from body fat accretion toward the more economically valuable process of protein accretion. Based on these data, pantothenic acid in amounts above that needed to support body energy accretion has a biological role in regulating body composition.

Keywords: ASL R652

How to Cite:

Stahly, T. S. & Lutz, T. R., (2001) “Pantothenic Acid Needs for Specific Biological Processes in Pigs”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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