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Management Economics

Sow and Litter Performance for Two Genotypes in Crated and Group Gestation Systems

  • Mark S. Honeyman (Iowa State University)
  • D. Kent (Iowa State University)


The sow and litter performance for two sow genotypes housed in crated and group-housed gestation systems was compared for two parities. The study was conducted at the Iowa State University L. Christian Swine Research and Demonstration Farm, Atlantic, IA. The gestation housing systems were individual crates in a mechanically ventilated confinement building (CRATE) and, group-housed sows in a modified-open front building (MOF) or a bedded hoop structure (HOOP). All sows were fed individually. The group-housed sows were fed with either feeding stalls (FS) or electronic feeders (EF). The two sow genotypes were Yorkshire x Landrace (WHITE sows) and Hampshire x Yorkshire x Landrace (COLOR sows). The Yorkshire and Landrace breeding was similar in both genotypes. Duroc terminal boars were hand mated to all sows. The data analyzed were for litters born from April through December 1998. The trial was terminated because of a pseudorabies outbreak and subsequent depopulation of the farm. Therefore, the results of this study are only partial and should be interpreted carefully. The WHITE sows demonstrated superior litter traits compared with the COLOR sows. The WHITE sows when housed in gestation crates, had larger litters at birth and weaning than the COLOR sows and the group-housed WHITE sows. The dynamic groups, which means sows were added and removed each week, depressed the litter performance of the WHITE sows compared with the WHITE sows housed in individual gestation crates, but there was no similar effect for the COLOR sows. The type of feeding system (FS or EF) did not affect sow reproductive performance in the group housing settings. The bedded hoop structures did not differ from the modified open-front partially slatted floor group housing for housing gestating sows, when sow and litter performance was used as the comparison.

Keywords: ASL R676

How to Cite:

Honeyman, M. S. & Kent, D., (2001) “Sow and Litter Performance for Two Genotypes in Crated and Group Gestation Systems”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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