Differences in Maternal Behavior Between Meishan and Yorkshire Gilts
The Meishan breed from China reportedly has a lower incidence of maternal crushing compared to American breeds of sows. The objective of this study is to quantify the differences in maternal behavior that may result in less piglet crushing. Six Meishan and four Yorkshire gilts were observed and video-recorded for 48 hours after farrowing. Time spent lying, standing, sitting, and kneeling, and the number of head turns, body turns, position changes, grunts, teeth grinds, chomps, roots, bar bites, urinations, defecations, drinking, and eating were recorded. Production data were also recorded.
As expected, there were differences in birth weights, seven day weights, and weight gain (P
Keywords: ASL R1380
How to Cite:
Minick, J. A., Lay, D. C., Ford, S. P., Hohenshell, L. M., Biensen, N. J. & Wilson, M. E., (1997) “Differences in Maternal Behavior Between Meishan and Yorkshire Gilts”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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