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Meat Science and Product Quality

Effects of Feeding Calcium Salts of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) to Finishing Steers

  • Kevin Gassman (Iowa State University)
  • F. C. Parrish (Iowa State University)
  • D. C. Beitz (Iowa State University)
  • Allen Trenkle (Iowa State University)


Thirty crossbred steers were randomly assigned to three treatment groups and fed corn-based finishing diets (88% concentrate) containing 0, 1.0 or 2.5% conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for an average of 130 days. Steers fed 2.5% CLA consumed less feed and had lower daily gains than control steers. Carcass weights tended to be reduced, and marbling scores were decreased by feeding 2.5% CLA. There were no significant effects of feeding CLA on dressing percentages, yield grades and backfat measurements. The rounds from each animal were physically separated into tissue components. Rounds from steers fed CLA contained a higher percentage of lean tissue and a lower percentage of fat. Feeding CLA increased concentrations of CLA in lipids from fat and lean in rib steaks and rounds. Increasing CLA in beef had no effects on shelf life, tenderness, juiciness, flavor or flavor intensity of rib steaks. Although results indicated that feeding calcium salts of CLA to beef steers decreased performance, concentrations of CLA in tissues could be increased offering the availability of a leaner, more healthful meat product.

Keywords: ASL R1763

How to Cite:

Gassman, K., Parrish, F. C., Beitz, D. C. & Trenkle, A., (2002) “Effects of Feeding Calcium Salts of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) to Finishing Steers”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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