Carcass EPDs for Yearling Angus Bulls Using Real-time Ultrasound Measures
Real-time ultrasound (RTU) images from yearling Angus bulls were analyzed to determine adjustment factors and genetic parameter estimates. The traits analyzed included ribeye area, 12-13th rib fat thickness, rump fat thickness, and % intramuscular fat. The heritability estimates are higher than those calculated from the American Angus Association’s carcass database. Expected progeny differences (EPD) for these traits were computed for the sires that produced the yearling bulls. The rank correlations for sires with both carcass EPD and RTU EPD from this study were developed. As accuracy for RTU EPD increases, the rank correlation with carcass EPD increases positively.
Keywords: ASL R1625
How to Cite:
Wilson, D. E., Rouse, G. H. & Hays, C., (2000) “Carcass EPDs for Yearling Angus Bulls Using Real-time Ultrasound Measures”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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