Genetic Evaluation for Birth Weight and First-Calf Calving Ease for the Angus Breed
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) for birth weight and first-calf calving ease were estimated in a bivariate analysis. For both traits, a linear model was used where direct and maternal genetic effects were fitted. The data included 2,085,506 birth weight observations and 388,306 first-calf calving ease scores, and the relationship matrix included 2,817,490 animals. Correlations between breeding values for birth weight and first-calf calving ease were moderate to high. Firstcalf calving ease EPDs can give additional information to identify sires that cause calving difficulties.
Keywords: ASL R1628
How to Cite:
Dodenhoff, J. & Wilson, D. E., (2000) “Genetic Evaluation for Birth Weight and First-Calf Calving Ease for the Angus Breed”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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