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The Iowa Pork Production Industry—Descriptive Characteristics

  • James B. Kliebenstein (Iowa State University)
  • Jeffery C. Lorimor (Iowa State University)
  • Benjamin Larson (Iowa State University)


The Iowa pork production industry has experienced a reduced number of producers and increased size of operation over time. Results of a survey conducted in 2002 showed that about one-in-four producers (23 percent) marketed from 5,000 to 9,999 market hogs annually. About one-in-three (31 percent) marketed from 2,000 to 4,999 pigs annually. The predominant operation type was a farrow-to-finish producer (40 percent of producers). Confinement production with mechanical ventilation was the primary type of farrowing and nursery production system used. There was a wide range of types of finishing facilities in use. Open lots with shelters or pastures represented the largest number of breeding/gestation facilities. The nearest neighbor for most producers was from one-eighth to one-half mile from the production facility. One-third had the nearest neighbor one-eighth to one-fourth mile from the facility. Slightly more than one-third had the nearest neighbor one-fourth to one-half mile from the facility. Most producers had only one hog production site. A few producers (10) had ten or more production sites. Only about six percent of the producers were under 30 years old. One-in-eight producers were 60 years old or older. About the same number had 40 or more years experience as a pork producer. Most had from 20 to 35 years of production experience.

Keywords: ASL R1961

How to Cite:

Kliebenstein, J. B., Lorimor, J. C. & Larson, B., (2004) “The Iowa Pork Production Industry—Descriptive Characteristics”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1). doi:

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