
Evaluation of Two Experimental Organic Acid Post Milking Teat Dips on Teat Health and Condition

  • Heather Tauke (Iowa State University)


A 4 week trial was conducted at the ISU dairy to evaluate the teat conditioning efficacy of two experimental organic acid teat dip formulas. Teat skin and teat end thickness and roughness were scored on each teat 2X/week. Results showed that teat skin was maintained at the optimum level (score 1) on all teats of all cows for both experimental products over the full trial period. Teat end condition remained stable (and excellent) during the test period and no significant differences were observed between treatments, scoring dates or the interaction treatment*score date. It is concluded that both experimental products have similar teat condition efficacy properties.

How to Cite:

Tauke, H., (2016) “Evaluation of Two Experimental Organic Acid Post Milking Teat Dips on Teat Health and Condition”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 13(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-210

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Published on
01 Jan 2016
Peer Reviewed