Dietary Supplementation with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Production, Health and Culling Parameters in Transitioning Holstein Cows
Lactating Holstein cows were assigned to one of three dietary CLA treatments. Study objectives were to determine the effects of a protected (lipid-encapsulated tran-10, cis- 12) CLA on milk production, health and culling frequency, reproduction and overall feasibility in large commercial dairy operations. Results indicate that CLA is capable of inducing milk fat depression (MFD) within 15 d following parturition and the reduced milk energy output likely indicates an improved energetic status. However, feeding CLA had no effect on other productions, metabolic, health, or culling variables.
Keywords: ASL R2707
How to Cite:
Upah, N., Gorden, P. & Baumgard, L. H., (2012) “Dietary Supplementation with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Production, Health and Culling Parameters in Transitioning Holstein Cows”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 9(1). doi:
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