Update from Animal Science Teaching Section
Enrollment figures at all levels at Iowa State University continued to increase in 2010. Fall enrollment in the Department of Animal Science and Iowa State University were at record highs and the College of Agriculture and Life Science (CALS) surpassed 3,200 students for the first time in about two decades.
Placement of students remained high even in with the challenging economy. In general, placement of students from all majors in the College remained well over 90 percent for the past fiscal year.
The fund-raising program for the multi-purpose animal pavilion made significant progress, approaching the halfway mark in dollars pledged. The department hopes to finish the fund drive during 2011.
Keywords: ASL R2668
How to Cite:
Kenealy, M. D., (2011) “Update from Animal Science Teaching Section”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 8(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/ans_air-180814-782
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