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Launch Procedures for Offshore Flights

  • Audrey A. Vaughn (Linn-Benton Community College)
  • Matthew T. Lucas (Linn-Benton Community College)
  • Amanda J. Raiter (Linn-Benton Community College)


The Linn-Benton Community College Space Exploration Team held two successful offshore high-altitude balloon launches from the deck of the research vessel Pacific Storm. The payload filmed the umbra casted by the total eclipse as it passed across the Oregon coastline on August 21, 2017. Assigning roles and having a set procedure made the launch process operate more efficiently. Approximately ten onshore launches were conducted to rehearse procedures in preparation for the launch. During these launches, members became more familiar with their roles and the roles of others on the team to prepare for any and all situations that may occur. Completing an offshore flight differs from a standard onshore launch given that the sea produces various weather conditions such as: sizeable waves, increased chance of precipitation, higher wind speed, and the possibility of limited visibility. Seasickness, internet accessibility, and offshore communication are among other factors. A sudden change in wind direction caused a tear in the latex of the balloon which caused the payload to not achieve the desired altitude. The launch did not achieve 28,000 meters, however the team learned from its successes and failures, and anticipate that the next launch will be successful.

How to Cite:

Vaughn, A. A., Lucas, M. T. & Raiter, A. J., (2017) “Launch Procedures for Offshore Flights”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2017(1). doi:



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