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Poster Presentation

Gravity Wave Detection in the Stratosphere using High Altitude Balloon GPS Data

  • Nicholas Stegmeier orcid logo (South Dakota State University)
  • Marybeth Catlett (Montana State University)
  • Sarah Gordon (University of Wyoming)
  • Bryce Kim (MSGC BOREALIS)
  • Randal Larimer (Montana Space Grant Consortium)


Gravity waves are an important energy transport mechanism in the middle atmosphere. Better gravity wave climatologies are needed for climate model parametrization and subscale modelling. As part of the summer 2022 BOREALIS scientific ballooning internship, gravity wave detection methods were implemented for onboard balloon sensors, specifically GPS ascent data. Data from several latex balloon flights over central Montana is presented along with analysis results using the hodograph method. The fast Fourier transform is used to identify dominant vertical wavelengths. Amplitudes, intrinsic periods, and propagation directions of candidate gravity waves are reported. Applications to gravity wave detection during the upcoming 2024 total solar eclipse are discussed.

Keywords: Gravity wave, Hodograph, stratosphere, GPS, hodograph, Balloon, Latex, Sensors

How to Cite:

Stegmeier, N., Catlett, M., Gordon, S., Kim, B. & Larimer, R., (2022) “Gravity Wave Detection in the Stratosphere using High Altitude Balloon GPS Data”, Academic High Altitude Conference 2022(1). doi:



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