
Reprints of Rare Articles on Mollusca—Elkanah Billlings on Land Snails of the Mountain of Montreal . (Canadian Naturalist and Geologist , 2: 97–101, figs. 2–6, 1857).



While turning over the stones in search of geological specimens, I found during a single visit to the mountain no less than five species of land shells. Three of these were easily determined—a fourth appears to be a described species, but the fifth I can find no account, and it may be new.


How to Cite: Billings, E. (1962) “Reprints of Rare Articles on Mollusca—Elkanah Billlings on Land Snails of the Mountain of Montreal . (Canadian Naturalist and Geologist , 2: 97–101, figs. 2–6, 1857).”, Sterkiana. 7(1).