Reciprocal Meat Conference Abstracts
Authors: M. C. Gooch (Texas A&M University) , A. N. Arnold (Texas A&M University) , D. B. Griffin (Texas A&M University) , D. S. Hale (Texas A&M University) , C. R. Kerth (Texas A&M University) , R. K. Miller (Texas A&M University) , K. B. Gehring (Texas A&M University) , J. W. Savell (Texas A&M University)
ObjectivesThere is a long-held perception by some in the foodservice and retail sectors that beef produced in Texas is not of the same quality or does not have the same palatability characteristics as beef from northern (Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado) establishments. The objectives of this study were to: 1) assess the palatability traits of Texas beef, and 2) compare the palatability traits of Texas beef against similar grades of beef sourced from northern establishments.Materials and MethodsBeef loin, strip loin steaks were collected from foodservice distribution centers to represent 4 Texas and 7 northern commercial beef harvest and processing facilities. USDA Top Choice (n = 174 Texas; n = 180 northern), USDA Choice (n = 180 Texas; n = 156 northern), and USDA Select (n = 176 Texas; n = 174 northern) steaks were evaluated using Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) force and consumer sensory panel ratings. Consumer panelists (n = 335) were recruited from the Bryan/College Station area using an existing database and email list serves. Data were analyzed using JMP, Version 13.1.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC), where main effects and significant 2-way interactions were included in the model. Least squares means were calculated and where appropriate, means were separated using the PDIFF procedure and an ɑ < 0.05.ResultsTop Choice steaks from Texas were found to have a higher (P < 0.05) average WBS force value than Top Choice steaks sourced from states other than Texas. Furthermore, Texas Top Choice steaks had lower (P < 0.05) juiciness and tenderness liking values than northern Top Choice steaks. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in average WBS force values or consumer panel ratings for Texas Choice and northern Choice, or Texas Select and northern Select.ConclusionThe reasons Top Choice steaks from Texas received lower consumer panel ratings than northern Top Choice steaks are unknown. These results indicate that Texas beef should not be a concern for those who purchase Choice or Select striploins.
Keywords: Beef, palatability, Warner-Bratzler shear force, consumer sensory panels
How to Cite: Gooch, M. C. , Arnold, A. N. , Griffin, D. B. , Hale, D. S. , Kerth, C. R. , Miller, R. K. , Gehring, K. B. & Savell, J. W. (2018) “Palatability of Beef Top Loin Steaks Sourced From 3 Quality Grade Groups from Texas and Northern Establishments”, Meat and Muscle Biology. 2(2). doi: