
"A Festivus for the Rest of Us": Perspectives on Diversity in the Midwest

  • Harrison W. Inefuku orcid logo (Iowa State University)
  • Sasha Kim (Denison University)
  • Aaisha Haykal (Chicago State University)
  • Harvey Long (University of Wisconsin–Madison)


Diversity within a profession dedicated to preserving American society is vital to ensure that the breadth of America’s stories is captured in the archival record. While the Midwest Archives Conference, the Society of American Archivists, and other archival organizations sponsor scholarships, groups, and other initiatives intended to nurture and support diversity within the archival profession (such as MAC’s Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship and SAA’s Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable), the profession remains overwhelmingly homogenous. This session will include narratives from a panel of archivists of color who will share their experiences, challenges, and lessons learned while working in the Midwest region. The session moderator will then open the conversation and invite you to pose questions and to share your own perspectives and experiences with diversity, both professionally and personally. By the end of the session, we hope to create a group of self-identified archivists and information professionals who may be interested in starting a community of MAC members dedicated to discussing diversity issues within our profession and fostering inclusivity in our geographical region.

How to Cite:

Inefuku, H. W., Kim, S., Haykal, A. & Long, H., (2016) “"A Festivus for the Rest of Us": Perspectives on Diversity in the Midwest”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2016(1).

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Published on
28 Apr 2016