
Pineapples, Anchovies, or Nah: Who Determines the Toppings on Your Pie? Power Sharing through Community Archive

  • Jennifer Ho (California State University, San Marcos)
  • Stef Baldivia (California State University, Chico)
  • Amy Schindler (University of Nebraska Omaha)
  • Greta Suiter (Ohio University)
  • Alexis Karolin (Ohio University)


Traditional archival collection methodology has focused on one-way collecting in which the institution receives materials through any number of ignoble means. With an increase of community archiving efforts institutions are intentionally loosening their grip on their power by sharing resources and privilege with communities for the purpose of building an equitable, representative historical record. This panel aims to discuss the diffusion and dispersal of power from archives to the communities surrounding them. Archives create power and authority, the imperative to respond in this social and political climate, to challenge us to dig deep to diffuse the power of our institutions and share our slice of the pie. To diversify the records we collect it is crucial for archivists to create opportunities for shared records creation and access to institutional resources.

This panel will focus on different practical and sustainable projects from the perspective of shared governance. Panelists will discuss real-life collaborations with individuals, community groups, and other cultural heritage institutions that dispersed power in ways new to them. These relationships all are grounded in technical and cultural knowledge with applications from people with varying backgrounds and skill sets. Panelists will explore how archivists can empower, encourage, and support people who are interested in pursuing community archiving projects. The presenters will share their projects that touch on oral histories, community workshops, active collection development, and processing collections. In many ways, archivists must release control in order to allow community members to decide what is best for their records.

How to Cite:

Ho, J., Baldivia, S., Schindler, A., Suiter, G. & Karolin, A., (2023) “Pineapples, Anchovies, or Nah: Who Determines the Toppings on Your Pie? Power Sharing through Community Archive”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2023(1).



Published on
14 Apr 2023