
Records Management and Paving the Way for Successful Institutional Archives

  • Hannah Pryor (University of Louisville)
  • Kristin Arnold (Morton Arboretum)
  • Danielle Nowak (Morton Arboretum)
  • Lina Rosenbergfoley (Lawrence University)


Archival repositories often serve as the institutional memory for their organization, preserving an assortment of record types in various formats. When allowed to accumulate in offices, basements, or closets, records are inaccessible and face the risk of being lost or destroyed. However, if materials are transferred to the archives, they can be safely stored, supported with efficient retrieval of files and assistance with research requests, and made more accessible. When records management/archival professionals implement successful records management practices earlier in the records’ life cycle, they become easier to identify, accession, and process once they’ve been transferred to the archives.In this hybrid roundtable/open forum, Hannah Pryor (University of Louisville), Kristin Arnold (The Morton Arboretum), Danielle Nowak (The Morton Arboretum), and Lina Rosenberg Foley (Wisconsin Department of Health Services) will discuss their records management roles within their respective institutions and the practices their institutions carry out regarding the archives and the institutions’ records. After a brief discussion, panelists will open the floor to an open forum with the audience discussion focusing on how to successfully implement a records management workflow.

How to Cite:

Pryor, H., Arnold, K., Nowak, D. & Rosenbergfoley, L., (2023) “Records Management and Paving the Way for Successful Institutional Archives”, MAC Annual Meeting Presentations 2023(1).



Published on
15 Apr 2023