
From Critical Success Factors into Criteria for Performance Excellence—An Organizational Change Strategy

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As organizations learn to deal with significant change, research suggests a link between critical success factors and the need to utilize a more comprehensive framework by which the organization can continue on its quest for excellence. By utilizing a combined quantitative and qualitative research methodology and focusing on a single case study dealing with a Decision Support System, this paper examines that link. Organizations that go through a significant change transformation need to look beyond the critical factors for success and implement a strategy to continue their quality journey. Towards this end, developing a framework based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Criteria for Performance Excellence is explored in-depth.

Keywords: information technology|leadership|management|manufacturing|quality

How to Cite: Chrusciel, D. & Field, D. W. (2003) “From Critical Success Factors into Criteria for Performance Excellence—An Organizational Change Strategy”, The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. 19(4).