
Identification of the Skills Needed by Workers in Various Segments of the Graphic Communications Industry



Graphic communications technology is a generic label that utilizes several techniques by which words, graphics, and designs are produced on paper, fabric, and metal or other suitable substrates with the use of inks or pigments. These techniques are also known as “graphic arts,” or printing. In the United States, graphic communications has evolved into a major industry and has become more efficient through new technologies. Printing Industries of America (PIA) reports that the graphic communications industry is the third largest industry, employing over 1.2 million people in more than 46,000 establishments and selling over $160 billion of products to print product users (PIA, 2002). The mountain states (New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming) graphic communications industry employs 21,118 people in more than 1,150 establishments and selling over $2.7 billion dollars (PIA, 2002).

Keywords: design|desktop publishing|graphic communciations|manufacturing|printing

How to Cite: Dharavath, H. N. (2004) “Identification of the Skills Needed by Workers in Various Segments of the Graphic Communications Industry”, The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. 20(3).