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Dimensional Metrology: A Perspective on Structure and Lab Integration

  • Bruce Marsh (Texas A&M University–Kingsville)
  • Mark Richard Miller (Texas A&M University–Kingsville)


Metrological error has a far greater cost impact now than in the past; product quality, the quality reputation of an organization, and customers’ quality expectations are at stake. As indicated by Marsh (1995), such errors can be reduced if those involved in production and measurement activities possess an understanding of (a) metrological terms such as accuracy, precision, resolution, and gage repeatability and reproducibility (Gage R&R); (b) metrological system trade-offs and their impact on manufacturing goals, profits, and overall productivity; and (c) the considerations needed when using, comparing, upgrading, or purchasing metrological equipment. Peggs (1999) supported the need for greater understanding of dimensional metrology when he stated “ . . . more and more members of the manufacturing community recognize the vital link that dimensional metrology provides between the design and the manufacture of engineering components. Trends now evident in manufacturing technology will continue to drive developments in dimensional metrology well into the next century to support industry’s full range of diverse needs” (p. 22). Within the Industrial Technology department at Texas A&M University–Kingsville, investigations have been conducted over the last five years that have focused on identifying the types of instruments and the number of lab activities that can be successfully integrated into a under- graduate course in dimensional metrology without adversely affecting course content goals and objectives. The results of these investigations have led to the development of a comprehensive perspective on the structure of a dimensional metrology course including lab integration.

Keywords: manufacturing|metrology|quality|quality control|statistical methods

How to Cite:

Marsh, B. & Miller, M. R., (2004) “Dimensional Metrology: A Perspective on Structure and Lab Integration”, Journal of Industrial Technology 20(3).

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