
A Relational Study of Wisconsin’s Water Operator Certification Program



The availability and use of professional certifications are on the increase in many diverse technological areas of the workforce such as construction (Dunn, 2003; Ferrantella, 2000), engineering (Gowder, 2002), education (Csapo, 2002), information (Brook- shire, 2000; Matthys, 2002), human resources (Glister, 2000; Tomlinson, 2001), and the health industry (Ukens, 2003). Many employers are considering professional certification as an integral benchmark in determining employee knowledge and skill level (Alexander, 1998; Hubble & Taylor, 2003; Sunoo, 1999) and in turn, many employees are using certification to enhance their career potential (Cohen, 2001; Karr, 2001; Kuhl, 1999).

Keywords: certification|environmental issues|professional development|research|research methods

How to Cite: Rice, F. S. (2005) “A Relational Study of Wisconsin’s Water Operator Certification Program”, The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. 21(1).