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Optimizing the Turning Process Toward an Ideal Surface Roughness Target

  • E. Daniel Kirby (Central Connecticut State University)


Today’s manufacturers hope to quickly and effectively set up and optimize processes associated with new and existing processes to remain competitive. Engineers and production personnel may utilize various methods and industrial technologies to achieve the optimization of a process to meet the company’s needs. Ideally, this takes into consideration productivity, quality, and safety. This paper discusses an investigation into optimizing a quality characteristic, while considering productivity, through the use of Taguchi Parameter Design. A turning operation is the subject of this study, and the output parameter selected is surface roughness. Previously published studies show the tendency to seek the lowest surface roughness, which usually requires the lowest possible feed rate and therefore a long cutting time. This study seeks an actual target surface roughness value, which may allow for a higher feed rate depending upon that specified target. In using the variation of the nominal- the-best signal to noise formula that utilizes MSD, variation about a specified (ideal) value is explored and sought to be minimized. It is demonstrated here that Taguchi Parameter Design can be used to determine the optimal levels of controlled parameters to meet a quality target without sacrificing productivity.

Keywords: Lean/Six Sigma, machine tools, manufacturing, materials and processes, quality, research methods, statistical methods

How to Cite:

Kirby, E. D., (2010) “Optimizing the Turning Process Toward an Ideal Surface Roughness Target”, Journal of Industrial Technology 26(1).

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