
Competencies for Global Engineers and Technologists

  • Fola Michael Ayokanmbi (Alabama A&M University)


Globalization and the growth of offshoring have changed the landscape of the engineering and technology profession and will have a major impact on engineering and technology education. The 21st Century engineering professional now requires competence beyond technical skills. Strategic partnerships with industry and governmental agencies ought to be aligned with institutions of higher learning to synergistically determine what is needed to successfully practice as global engineers and technologists. It is imperative that engineering and technology schools engage and develop strategies to ad- dress the challenges and opportunities posed by the offshoring of engineering and technology jobs. As the internationalization of engineering and technology education become a necessity, students must acquire the multicultural intelligence skills that would enable them to communicate and appreciate other cultures around the globe. Globally competent engineers and technologists must possess the capabilities and attributes that are required for excellent performance in today’s multicultural and global society. This paper examines the impact of globalization on engineering and technology education and discusses the competencies required to ensure that engineering and technology students are prepared for success in the global workplace.

Keywords: administration, curriculum, leadership, teaching methods, teamwork

How to Cite:

Ayokanmbi, F. M., (2011) “Competencies for Global Engineers and Technologists”, Journal of Industrial Technology 27(1).

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Published on
31 Dec 2010