
A Comparison of Traditional Classroom and Distance Education Classroom on Global Logistics and Group Settings

  • Scott Abney (East Carolina University)


A new course was introduced in the Spring of 2018 at East Carolina University regarding Strategic Sourcing in the Global Market. This course had student enrollment in both in a traditional setting as well as through distance learning. Over a two academic year period, students in each classroom were assigned an end of the semester group project related to applying the course objectives to international logistics and business. The goal of the project was for students to choose an industry in another country and review the logistics and distribution involved in their chosen industry. Further- more, students were expected to research differing cultural aspects of the chosen country as well as laws and ethics that impact their chosen industry. Students in both settings were given a pre and post survey regarding their attitudes toward global logistics, previous experiences with suppliers, attitudes toward group settings, and familiarity of supplier evaluation tools. The purpose of this survey was to understand student experiences for global logistics as well as use the feedback for potential curriculum building in the future. Students in both classroom settings did have a self-perceived increase in knowledge of supplier evaluation tools and sourcing strategies used by suppliers. Students rated the group project as a positive experience in gaining more awareness in cultural aspects that have an impact in business as well as an increase in knowledge of sustainability concepts related to their chosen industry. However, students in the distance education setting showed less of an increase in knowledge which may be due to these students have more experience in working in a related industry.

Keywords: teaching innovation|global|supply chain|online learning

How to Cite:

Abney, S., (2020) “A Comparison of Traditional Classroom and Distance Education Classroom on Global Logistics and Group Settings”, The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering 36(4).

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Published on
01 Oct 2020