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Pedagogy and Professional Development

Creative Design Thinking Process: Fashion Is Cyclical Then, Now, and Future

  • Seunghye Cho (Framingham State University)


Fashion is cyclical in that fashion trends tend to repeat itself. Designers endeavor to find past eras' precedents that are relevant to the sociocultural context of present time and reinterpret them to create new design messages for future fashion trends. This project explored a collaborative work of design process as a pedagogical method in which students in Fashion Illustration and History of Costume classes teamed up for a design collection development through a comparative analysis of fashion trends that repeated in two different time periods. The objectives of this project are: to provide students an opportunity to practice design thinking process, to enhance students' understanding of cyclical nature of fashion, and to expose students to a collaborative work process for creative design development. Students’ feedback evidenced that this project provided invaluable opportunity to practice creative design thinking process with focus on Research and Explore Design Precedents parts.

Keywords: design process, collaboration, cyclical

How to Cite:

Cho, S., (2019) “Creative Design Thinking Process: Fashion Is Cyclical Then, Now, and Future”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 76(1). doi:

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