Imagery Fluency and Fashion Involvement in Online Apparel Shopping
Imagery and imagery fluency are particularly important in online apparel shopping because consumers rely on the information provided on websites to indirectly experience products. Therefore, simulating product experiences with consumption imagery may alleviate this limitation. The current research investigates the impact of imagery fluency on consumers' evaluations in the online apparel shopping environment, moderated by fashion involvement. A 2(Imagery fluency: high vs. low) x 2(Fashion involvement: high vs. low) between-subject online experimental design was employed. Mock online apparel retailer's websites were created and imagery fluency was manipulated by vividness of information. The results showed that the high fashion involved group showed more positive product attitudes and higher purchase intention when they reviewed the website with high imagery fluency than the one with low imagery fluency. Online apparel retailers, especially whose target customers are highly fashion-involved, are advised to facilitate imagery fluency in their websites by providing vivid, experiential product information.
How to Cite:
Park, M. & Im, H., (2016) “Imagery Fluency and Fashion Involvement in Online Apparel Shopping”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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