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Creative Design: Professional

Fortuny with Flare and a Post-Modern Twist

  • Diane Carol Sparks (Colorado State University)
  • Wendy Brusca


Preview Abstract: Fortuny with Flare and a Post-Modern Twist This submission was inspired by the work of Mariano Fortuny. The concept was an art piece to be worn in the form of a long, hand-pleated silk evening dress with an un-pleated flared silk coat, each digitally printed with an image derived from a photograph of rusty metal and peeling paint. The source of the photograph was an abandoned train car, and was used with the artist's permission. Digital printing rather than hand-dyeing the silk was chosen for environmental responsibility. The selection of an unorthodox image as subject matter for the print was done to infuse the ensemble with an unexpected and slightly humorous Post-Modern design approach. An adaptation of the traditional Japanese Arashi Shibori technique was used to pleat the silk fabric for the evening dress.

How to Cite:

Sparks, D. C. & Brusca, W., (2016) “Fortuny with Flare and a Post-Modern Twist”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).

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