Perceived Apparel Fit Issues of High School Adolescents: Comparison of Fit Differences between Athletes and Non-Athletes Using 3D Body Scan Technology
Athletes have problems with fit of their clothing caused by body changes resulting from exercise regimens (Andreoli, et al., 2001). This begins during the high school years, when the importance of body image and body satisfaction have a greater impact (Caglar & Asci, 2010). Tselepis and de Klerk (2004) reported that adolescents use clothing not only to fit in, but to increase body satisfaction. Adolescents reported dissatisfaction with clothing fit, (de Klerk and Tselepis's, 2007). Objectives of the study were to determine (1) whether high school students have the perception that they have problems finding clothing that fits; (2) if the problem is common among both athletes and non-athletes and (3) if body image and body satisfaction are related to athletes and non-athletes reporting problems with fit of clothing.
How to Cite:
Hubert, S. K., Apple, L. M. & Smith, K. R., (2016) “Perceived Apparel Fit Issues of High School Adolescents: Comparison of Fit Differences between Athletes and Non-Athletes Using 3D Body Scan Technology”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 73(1).
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