Rethinking Fashion Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Value Creations in Clothing and Textiles Discipline
As a type of psychotherapy, fashion therapy (hereafter FT) improves mental health to enhance self-concepts through grooming behaviors in all parts of the human body including physical appearance management behaviors and fashion product consumption (Horn & Gurel, 1981;; Thompson, 1962). Until now, similar disciplines, such as psychology, women's studies, and art therapy studies, have provided academic and empirical grounds for FT studies. Based on the literature reviews, this study suggests academic reasons why CT should prosper FT studies.
How to Cite:
Son, H., Kim, S., Lee, J. & Lee, S., (2015) “Rethinking Fashion Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Value Creations in Clothing and Textiles Discipline”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 72(1).
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